8005 Cleanup Recycle Bin (Make Files Unrecoverable)
8100 Folder:
8101 Filename:
8102 %6d of %6d Files Cleaned
8103 Cleaning using DoD 5220.22-M erase method. (Pass %d)
8104 Folder: Finished
8105 Filename: Finished
8106 Cleaning could not take place for:
8107 Unable to clean
8108 Are you sure you want to clean the contents of the Recycle Bin?
8109 Are you sure you want to clean the following folder and all of its contents?
8110 is a system folder.
8111 Cleanup
8112 Cleanup [Use extreme caution!]
8113 Are you sure you want to clean
8114 is located in the system folder:
8115 Are you sure you want to clean it?
8116 Cleanup could not take place for:
8117 Are you sure you want to clean all of its contents?
8118 (Note: If you choose YES some files might not be
8119 removed because they are in use by the system.)
8120 &Cancel
19000 Firefox Tracking Cookies Shield: Removed
20000 The eSellerate Purchase engine was not found
20003 An authentication failure occurred during installation. To fix the issue, reinstall %%APP_NAME%%.If you continue to experience this problem after reinstalling the program, go to %s.
20004 The program cannot initialize because disk space is too low. To fix the issue, remove any unnecessary programs or files on your computer and try again.
20016 &Yes
20017 &No
20018 &OK
20019 &Cancel
20020 &Resume
20021 S&top
20022 &Save
20023 &Help
20024 &Ignore
20025 Shut &Down
20026 &Minimize
20027 S&kip
20028 Se&lect All
20029 &Deselect All
20031 C&lose
20033 More Detai&ls
20035 De&lete Selected Entries
20036 Report Spyware or Viruses
20041 Ne&xt >
20042 &Pause
20043 S&tart
20045 Res&tore Selected
20047 &Finish
20049 &Accept
20050 &Decline
20051 Save to &File
20056 &Keep New
20057 R&estore Saved
20058 &Buy It Now
20059 Rene&w Now
20060 Subscribe Now
20061 Subscribe Later
20062 &Buy Now
20064 Please Enter Your Keycode
20065 Please enter your keycode below. It looks something like:
20067 Hint: You can paste the keycode into any of the boxes.
20068 The entered keycode is not correct.Please check that you have entered the code correctly (only letters are used, no numeric values).If you are still having problems, click the Help button for more information.
20069 If you purchased online either directly from Webroot or through one of our partners, your keycode was sent to you via e-mail as a part of your download instructions.If you purchased through a retail store, your keycode is located on the back panel of your product packaging.If you've misplaced your keycode, contact Webroot customer service at %s.Your Webroot keycode uniquely identifies your software purchase and enables you to access customer benefits like free software updates and customer support. Any time you use buttons within the software to visit Webroot.com (i.e. to check for updates), your keycode will link to our servers to automatically identify the rights associated with your purchase. Webroot's keycode technology will not be used in any way to track your individual use of our products.
20080 Home
20081 &Common Ad Sites
20089 Associated Traces Found:
20094 Cancel
20095 Cancel in progress
20100 Category:
20101 Close
20104 Perform Security Sweep
20109 Do not show this message again.
20117 File being processed
20118 Files/Folders Inspected:
20119 Fingerprint Type:
20121 Help
20122 Hos&ts File Shield
20126 Hosts File
20128 IE Favorites Shield
20135 IE Hi&jack Shield
20143 IE Security Shield
20144 &Tracking Cookies Shield
20146 Last sweep performed:
20147 License Agreement
20150 Location:
20152 Memory Items Inspected:
20153 Memor&y Shield
20154 Win&dows Messenger Service Shield
20161 No
20163 Unknown
20166 &Options
20170 &Quarantine
20171 Registry Items Inspected:
20172 &Remove
20173 Removal progress
20179 S&chedule
20181 Select items to remove and hold in the quarantine folder
20183 Session &Log
20187 S&hields
20192 Select items to restore or delete from the quarantine folder
20193 Details
20194 Spyware Fingerprints Loaded:
20195 Execution Shield
20201 %%APP_NAME%%
20202 Spyware
20203 Items Detected:
20204 Name:
20205 Startup Shield
20207 Step 1:
20208 Sweep System
20209 Step 2:
20210 Remove
20211 Step 3:
20212 Results
20224 &Sweep
20227 Windows System
20230 Traces Found:
20231 Traces Ignored:
20232 Traces Quarantined:
20233 Traces Removed Since Installation:
20260 Hosts file is too large.
20264 Program Version %s Using Security Definitions %s
20265 Action Requested
20266 Action Required
20267 Alert
20268 All Folders
20270 Also sweeping:
20273 Are you sure you want to STOP the sweep?
20279 Automated check for program update in progress.
20288 Do you want to cancel the sweep and close?
20289 Category:
20290 Caution regarding the removal of :
20291 CD
20292 Do you want to cancel the cleanup and close?
20295 Restore
20296 &Internet Explorer
20297 &Windows System
20298 Hosts &File
20299 Startup &Programs
20308 Your system will not be protected if you shut down %%APP_NAME%%. We recommend that you minimize the program to continue protection.
20309 Please close %%APP_NAME%%, then restart the program.
20310 To ensure proper removal of spyware, adware and other unwanted items, be sure to close any programs that are open.
20311 Company name is not provided
20312 The examination of your system is complete.
20316 Congratulations!No spyware, adware or unwanted items were detected.
20317 You need to be connected to the Internet.Click "YES" when you have established this connection.
20321 Tracking Cookies Shield: Removed
20322 Copyright information is not provided
20326 (Expires: %s)
20327 (Expired)
20328 Your definitions are up to date.
20329 Definitions cannot be updated because your subscription has expired.
20330 Deleted Hosts File entry:
20331 Deleting selected quarantined files.
20332 Deletion from quarantine initiated
20333 Deletion from quarantine completed. Elapsed time
20334 Description:
20339 Deleted
20342 Done.
20343 Download has been cancelled at your request.
20344 Drives:
20345 Duration: %s hr, %s mins, %s secs
20346 Duration: %s hrs, %s mins, %s secs
20347 Duration: %s mins, %s secs
20348 Enable Password Protection
20350 End of Session
20353 Error
20354 Exact Match
20355 -- Execution allowed at your request
20356 -- Execution Denied
20357 Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement before using the software.
20362 -- File system Read/Write allowed
20363 -- File system Read/Write denied
20365 Could not complete operation on
20369 Failed to quarantine
20373 Failed to save to "
20374 Failure
20377 Webroot continuously updates the security definitions used to inspect your system.As part of each new installation, we strongly recommend that you obtain the most recent version of these definitions to ensure total protection for your system.Would you like to update the definitions now?
20379 The following is active:
20380 The following are active:
20381 Found
20382 found:
20384 Found: Memory-resident threat
20386 Full Program
20388 Sweep on Drive C: initiated.
20389 Explorer Sweep has completed. Elapsed time
20390 %s has completed. Elapsed time
20391 Your computer is receiving an in-depth examination. Thorough sweeps ensure system and data privacy.
20400 Main Menu...
20401 Settings
20402 Allow Traffic
20403 Filter Traffic
20404 Block Traffic
20405 About Webroot Desktop Firewall
20406 Webroot Desktop Firewall Help
20407 Exit
20408 Start Webroot Desktop Firewall
20427 The examination of your system did not complete.
20429 Information
20432 The installation has been damaged. Please reinstall the product. (%d)
20434 - blocked -
20442 Loading... please wait one minute
20443 Local Drive
20445 Location:
20446 Location Match
20450 Memory
20451 Messenger service has been disabled.
20452 Messenger service has been restarted.
20456 You are missing the usual "http://" or "file://" in your address line.Do you want it inserted?
20457 Name Match
20458 Network Drive
20459 Never
20473 No description available
20474 The program cannot function properly on the Guest account.
20481 Password field is empty.You must enter a password and confirming password.
20483 (not available)
20492 Off
20493 On
20496 Check for Updated Definitions
20497 Another process is preventing the program from accessing Install.dat. Contact Webroot Support at %s.
20498 Unable to initiate sweep because a sweep is already in progress. Please try again when the sweep is complete.
20500 Confirm password:
20501 Enter password:
20504 You need to be connected to the Internet.Click "YES" when you have established this connection.
20505 Please Enter Password
20507 Press "NEXT" to continue...
20509 There is a problem reaching the server. The cause may be in your connection or on the server. Please try again later.
20512 A problem occurred when attempting to contact Webroot. If you are using a firewall, please be sure that it allows Internet access for %%APP_NAME%%, then try again. If the problem continues, contact Webroot support (1-866-612-4227).
20513 Processing:
20514 Product name is not provided
20517 You will find some great improvements in our new %%APP_NAME%%.The version you have must be updated at this time.Do you want to download the new version now?
20518 Webroot has a newer version of %%APP_NAME%%.Do you want to download it now?
20519 Quarantining:
20520 Cookie:
20522 File:
20524 Registry:
20525 Question
20529 The program is examining the registry, folders and running programs. For complete protection, Webroot recommends you run a Full Sweep at regular intervals.
20531 We recommend that you run a Full Sweep to remove any remnants of %s that may exist on your system.
20532 Registry
20535 Registry or Startup Folder:
20539 is in use. It will be removed on reboot.
20547 Removal process initiated
20548 Removal process completed. Elapsed time
20551 Removing:
20556 Restore from quarantine initiated
20557 Restore from quarantine completed. Elapsed time
20560 Restoring selected quarantined files.
20561 Removing from memory:
20565 Saved to "
20568 Please select a startup item, then press the button again.
20574 A threat was detected running in memory.To ensure proper removal of this threat,close any applications that are currently openand click OK.
20578 Your security definitions have been updated.
20579 Start of Session
20580 started
20582 HKCU:
20583 Run
20584 Run Once
20585 Run Once Ex
20586 Run Services
20587 Run Services Once
20593 HKLM:
20595 Startup Item:
20601 Startup Programs (Current User)
20602 Startup Programs (All Users)
20607 Subscription Service: Activated
20609 Subscription Service: Not Activated
20614 Sweep Cancelled
20615 The program will sweep the following file or folder as requested by the system:
20616 The program will conduct an in-depth examination of your system. This will ensure system and data privacy. Click the START button to begin.
20618 Sweep initiated using definitions version
20620 The following drives are available for sweeping:
20628 Sweep has been paused.Click OK to resume.
20631 Estimated time remaining: %3.0n minute(s)
20633 Less than 1 minute remaining
20636 trace
20638 (%d traces)
20639 traces found in various locations.
20640 Trial Program
20644 Unknown
20655 - no IP Address returned -
20657 Various
20658 , version
20663 Warning
20671 http://www.webroot.com
20673 The password is not recognized.Please re-enter.
20677 Passwords do not match.Please enter the password and confirming password again.
20684 Adware
20685 Spy Cookie
20688 Trojan Horse
20693 Your virus definitions have been updated.
20703 <resolving...>
20734 Go to Web site for full description of this item
20736 %d.%d.%d.%d
20737 Could not locate a valid definitions file. Please go to the Options panel: Update tab to download a definitions file.
20738 subtraces
20740 Cookie Items Inspected:
20744 Cookies
20745 Not Spyware
20746 Webroot Product
20748 days
20749 Expired
20800 Search URL
20801 Local Page
20802 Search Bar
20803 Search Page
20804 Search Assistant
20805 Customize Search
20806 Default Page
20807 Default Search
20808 Local Page
20809 Search Page
20810 Default
20812 Home Page
20813 Search Bar
20814 Search Assistant
20815 Customize Search
20816 &User
20817 S&ystem
20902 Please wait while the program closes...
20903 (No Title)
20904 File cannot be quarantined because it is located on read-only media:
20916 Text Documents (*.txt)
20918 Preparing to restart your computer. Please wait...
20919 Quarantining All Traces:
20920 An error occurred during quarantine:
20921 Engine Error
20922 Informational
20923 Warning
20924 Error
20925 Fatal Error
20927 A reboot was suggested, but declined.
20928 A reboot was required, but declined.
21000 &Alerts
21003 You have %d alerts to review.
21004 Review Alerts
21005 There are currently no alerts to view.
21006 You have 1 alert to review.
21007 %%APP_NAME%%
21008 -empty-
21016 Internet Explorer Home Page Shield
21017 The program has detected a change to your Internet Explorer home page.If you are installing an Internet Explorer add-on, you may want to allow this change. If not, we recommend you click %s.Click %s to restore your home page back to%sClick %s to change your home page and update the protected page to%s.
21019 Keep New
21020 Restore
21021 Internet Explorer Home Page has been restored to:
21022 Internet Explorer Home Page has been updated to:
21032 Internet Explorer Hijack Shield
21033 The program has detected changes to Internet Explorer's default pages, such as the Search Assistant page.If you are installing an Internet Explorer add-on, you may want to allow this change. If not, we recommend you click %s.To restore the original pages, click %s. To keep the new pages in Internet Explorer and update the protected pages, click %s.
21034 Keep New
21035 Restore
21036 Internet Explorer internal Web pages restored to protected values
21037 Internet Explorer internal Web pages updated to current values
21048 Internet Explorer Favorites Shield
21049 The program has detected additions to your Internet Explorer Favorites. To remove items added without your knowledge, select each one you don't want and click %s. To keep items you added, select each one you do want and click %s.
21050 Remove
21051 Select All
21052 Deselect All
21053 Removed IE Favorite:
21054 Allowed IE Favorite:
21055 Processing Internet Explorer Favorites Alerts
21056 Keep
21066 Remove
21067 Select All
21068 Deselect All
21069 %s: %s has been added, but Internet lookup reports %s
21070 Fixed Hosts File entry:
21071 Allowed Hosts File entry:
21073 Keep
21080 Startup Shield
21081 New programs have been detected that will start when Windows starts. If you just installed or updated a program, including Windows updates, you should not remove these items.To remove items added without your knowledge, select each one you don't want and click %s. To keep items you added, select each one you do want and click %s.
21082 Remove
21083 Select All
21084 Deselect All
21085 Assessment:
21086 More Details
21087 Removed Startup entry:
21088 Allowed Startup entry:
21089 Processing Startup Alerts
21090 Keep
21100 Active&X Shield
21102 Internet Co&mmunication Shield
21103 The Internet Communication shield has blocked access to:
21121 Spyware Definitions:
21141 Trial Expired
21142 Trial Expires: %s
21149 Automatically &quarantine viruses detected during sweep.
21150 Sweep for &Viruses
21151 Virus Shields
21152 Antivirus Protection
21153 Edit
21154 Add antivirus protection to your subscription
21155 Add antivirus protection to your trial
21156 Viruses
21157 Customizing Sweeps
21158 "Full Sweep" and "Quick Sweep" use fixed settings. To customize sweep settings, choose "Custom Sweep".
22000 Error Report
22001 %%APP_NAME%% encountered an error during a previous session. Do you want to send a log of the problem to Webroot support?
22002 No
22003 Yes
22004 Review and send the error report:
22005 No do not review and send the error report:
22006 Report Software Problem
22007 %%APP_NAME%% has encountered a unexpected error, and has created an error log that you can send to Webroot Software in order to help track the problem and improve the software.
22016 Internet Explorer Search Page Shield
22017 The program has detected a change to your Internet Explorer search page.If you are installing an Internet Explorer add-on, you may want to allow this change. If not, we recommend you click %s.Click %s to restore your search page back to%sClick %s to change your search page and update the protected page to%s
22019 Keep New
22020 Restore
22021 Internet Explorer Search Page has been restored to:
22022 Internet Explorer Search Page has been updated to:
22032 Internet Explorer Hijack Shield
22033 It appears that your IE settings have already been hijacked. Click %s to reset the affected setting(s) to the IE defaults or click %s to maintain your current settings.
22034 Keep
22035 Repair
22048 Update Program
22050 Webroot has a newer version of %%APP_NAME%%. Do you want to download it now?
22051 Yes
22052 No
22064 Update Definitions
22065 Webroot has newer security definitions available. Do you want to download them now?
22066 Yes
22067 No
22080 Windows Messenger Service Shield
22081 A program has been prevented from restarting your Windows Messenger Service. We recommend that you click %s to prevent your Windows Messenger Service from restarting. Otherwise, click %s to allow Windows Messenger Service to restart and to disable this shield.Note: Windows Messenger Service does not affect instant messaging. It is often used for spam messages and pop-up ads. Home users do not need this service. If you are using the computer in a corporate environment, ask your system administrator if you need this service.
22082 Accept
22083 Ignore
22100 Missed Scheduled Event
22101 One or more of your last scheduled events could not run, probably because you were logged off this computer or you scheduled multiple log-on events. To run the scheduled event(s) now, select your event type below and click %s. Click %s if you do not want to run these scheduled events.
22102 Run Now
22104 Running scheduled event:
22105 Ignoring scheduled event:
22107 Skip Missed events
22108 Run at user logon
22201 Act now to guarantee your online protection and receive: " The lowest available price " The peace of mind of uninterrupted service " The best security protection availableRenew your subscription today.
22202 Renew Now
22203 Ignore
22204 Renewing subscription.
22205 Ignoring subscription renewal.
22209 Remember what it was like before you used %%APP_NAME%%? Slow computer, loads of pop-ups, personal data at risk.Don't let it happen again. Renew today and save.
22210 %%APP_NAME%% Subscription -- Expires today!
22211 Tomorrow your protections ends with %%APP_NAME%%. Don't risk your computer or your personal data to never ending security threats.Act now to guarantee your online protection and save.
22213 %%APP_NAME%% subscription expiring
22214 Renew your %%APP_NAME%% protection today and continue to receive: " Continuous security definition updates " Free software upgrades " Free customer support " The best security protection availableAct now to guarantee your online protection and save.
22215 %%APP_NAME%% Subscription - Ending Soon
22216 %%APP_NAME%% Subscription -- EXPIRED
22217 IMPORTANT: Your %%APP_NAME%% subscription has expired. Your PC is now at risk for infection from new security threats.Your computer and your personal information are too important to leave unprotected.
22218 IMPORTANT: You are not protected from the %s new threats Webroot has identified since your subscription expired.Renew now to guarantee your security protection.
22219 Subscription Expires Soon
22300 Check for Updates
22301 Your security definitions and program may be out of date. We recommend checking for updates weekly. Click "Update Now" to download any updates to ensure that you are protected from the latest threats.
22302 Update Now
22303 Update Later
22304 0 KB
22305 %%SIZE%% KB of %%TOTAL_SIZE%% KB (%%PERCENTAGE%%)
22306 Overall progress:
22307 Current file:
22400 Sweep Overdue
22401 Your computer has not been swept for more than 7 days. We recommend running a sweep weekly to keep your computer protected. Click "Sweep Now" to run an immediate sweep.
22402 Sweep Now
22403 Sweep Later
22500 Restart Windows
22501 The program needs to restart Windows to completely remove some found items.
22502 To ensure system stability, we recommend that you restart your computer.
22503 Please save all your current work and close any other programs you may have open. Restart Windows to complete the sweep process.
22504 Restart Now
22505 Restart Later
22601 E-mail Attachments Shield Communication Error
22602 The program was unable to send or receive one or more e-mail messages that it attempted to scan using the E-mail Attachments Shield.
22603 This is usually caused by a firewall configuration setting that prevents the program from communicating to your e-mail server over the required ports. This may also be the result of your e-mail provider s server not responding or a lack of Internet connectivity (usually temporary).
22604 For information on how to resolve firewall configuration issues, click the "Firewall Configuration Information" link below. If you are unable to access this information or this does not resolve your problem, contact Webroot Customer Support at 1-866-612-4227.
22605 Webroot does not recommend turning off the E-mail Attachments Shield; however, if you continue to encounter problems sending or receiving e-mail, you might want to turn it off. For more information, click View Help Info.
22606 Close Alert
22607 View Help Info
22608 Do not show this message again.
22609 Click here for Firewall Configuration Information
23000 %%APP_NAME%% Trial
23001 Your trial protection expires in:
23002 Subscribe now and receive one year of:
23004 Continue Trial
23005 &Buy it now
23007 Uninstall instructions
23008 Expired
23009 days
23010 You are not connected to the Internet. Please connect now, and click ORDER NOW to complete your order.
23011 Or call our customer service team at:1-866-612-4227 Toll free - US and Canada303-442-3813 Outside the US.
23013 To Uninstall %%APP_NAME%%
23014 1. Open Windows CONTROL PANEL.2. Click ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS.3. Select %%APP_NAME%% from the list and click REMOVE.
23015 &Buy it now
23016 A corrupted version of this trial has been detected. It either did not install completely or the trial protection has been damaged.
23017 Click Close and run the installation program again. If this problem persists, contact Webroot support at %s.
23018 Traces removed since installation:
23019 TODAY
23020 Subscribe to %%APP_NAME%% now and receive one year of: " Ongoing security protection " Continuous security definition updates " Free software updates " Free customer support
23021 Did you know...Shields conveniently block spyware before it installs, reducing disruptive infections and giving you cleaner and faster scans.Stay protected. Subscribe today.
23023 Our automated research engine, Phileas, continuously scans the Web identifying hundreds of new security threats every week. These security definitions ensure that you and your computer stay protected from the latest infections.Don't let your protection end.
23024 Remember what it was like before you used %%APP_NAME%%? Slow computer, loads of pop-ups, personal data at risk. Don't let it happen again.Subscribe today and receive: " Continuous security definition updates " Free software updates " Free customer support
23025 Subscribe to %%APP_NAME%% now and receive one year of: " Ongoing security protection " Continuous security definition updates " Free software updates " Free customer support
23026 If you bought a subscription, check status to start using %%APP_NAME%%.
23500 Report Potential Threat
23501 To report potential spyware or viruses to Webroot's Threat Detection team, please describe the symptoms you are experiencing in the Comments section below. If you include your e-mail address, a Customer Service representative may contact you to gather additional information.A report will be generated that lists possible unwanted programs on your computer, along with other information. This report, also known as a "log file," helps our team research and generate new security definitions. To view the contents of this log file, click "View Report." Click "Send Report" to file a ticket with Webroot Support; do this only once. Logs are examined in the order they are received.
23502 &E-mail Address:
23503 Co&mments (Optional):
23504 &Send Report
23505 View &Report
23506 Hide &Report
23507 Report &Log:
23508 View Webroot Privacy Policy
23509 Generating report, please wait...
23513 Possible Threat
23514 A possible threat has been blocked from changing your computer settings or from communicating to a Web site that can download potentially unwanted software. Would you like to file a report with Webroot so that we may investigate this incident further?
23600 Reset IE Page Settings to Defaults
23601 By clicking "Yes", your IE settings, such as your Home Page, will be reset to the IE defaults. These settings may be different than what you have selected in the past. This action is only recommended if you believe your browser has been hijacked. Would you like to proceed?
23602 Possible Internet Explorer Hijack
23603 A known Internet Explorer hijacker has been successfully removed from your computer. If it seems that your Internet Explorer settings, such as your home page or searching capabilities, have not improved, follow these steps to fix the issue: 1. Click Shields. 2. Click the Web Browser tab. 3. Click %s.
23604 Starting Cookie Sweep
23605 Cookie Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:
23606 Starting File Sweep
23607 File Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:
23608 Starting Memory Sweep
23609 Memory Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:
23610 Starting Registry Sweep
23611 Registry Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:
23612 "IE Hijack Shield Options". 4. Click the "Reset IE Page Settings to Defaults" button
23752 Activate &Microsoft Task Scheduler
23753 The program encountered a problem while activating the Microsoft Task Scheduler service. Please try again. If you continue to experience problems, contact Webroot Support at %s.
23756 A<ernate Data Stream (ADS) Execution Shield
23757 Analyzing Drive...
23760 The program encountered a problem while activating the service. Please try restarting your computer. If you continue to experience problems, contact Webroot Support at %s.
23765 %%APP_NAME%% cannot provide active protection for your computer when it is no longer running.
23766 To ensure you are protected against visiting malicious Web sites, you should close any open Web browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Firefox, after enabling this shield.
23767 Shut down %%APP_NAME%%?
23774 Custom Sweep
23816 Unknown
23817 Low
23818 Moderate
23819 High
23820 Very High
23821 Critical
23900 Subcategory:
24004 A valid e-mail address must be entered to submit a report.
24102 -- Installation allowed at user request
24103 -- Installation denied
24200 %%APP_NAME%% will continue to provide active protection for your computer after you close the main panel.
24201 To fully shut down the program, right-click on its tray icon (see illustration below) and select "Shut Down."
24202 Don't show this message again
24203 Closing %%APP_NAME%%
24303 IE Security Shield
24304 -- IE Security modification allowed at user request
24305 -- IE Security modification denied
24402 -- BHO installation denied at user request
24403 -- BHO installation allowed at user request
24450 &BHO Shield
24457 Product Name (Company Name)
24459 Please select a BHO, then press the button again.
24460 Registry location:
24463 Click here to check
24500 Masked Files Alert
24501 Masked files are files that are hidden from Windows. Many Legitimate applications use masking to secure their software. However, masked files can also be used by certain malicious threats. If you suspect any one of these detections is malicious, please contact technical support.
24604 Download from webroot.com
24605 (Internet connection required)
24606 Enabling this feature may cause your next sweep to take significantly longer. Subsequent sweeps should be faster.
24705 &Basic Authentication
24706 Port number must be an integer value between 1 and 65535.
24707 Proxy Settings
24708 If you connect to the Internet through a proxy server, proxy settings enable you to get Webroot software updates.
24709 Pro&xy Settings...
24710 Don't use a prox&y server
24711 Use &Internet Explorer proxy settings
24712 Use custom pro&xy settings
24713 Proxy server
24714 Example: proxy.company.com
24715 Port
24716 Example: 1080
31000 Sweep
31001 Full, Quick, or Custom
31010 Sweep Status:
31011 OK
31012 Sweep Due
31013 Sweep Out of Date
31014 Items Found
31020 Last full sweep:
31021 Never
31022 1 day ago
31023 %d days ago
31024 Today
31030 Next sweep:
31031 None scheduled
31032 At log on
31060 Items Removed:
31061 Items detected to date:
31062 Gamer Mode is OFF
31063 Gamer Mode is ON
31064 Turning Gamer Mode ON
31065 Turning Gamer Mode OFF
31066 Turning Gamer Mode OFF - Timer Expired
31100 Shields
31101 Real-time Protection
31110 Shield Status:
31111 Full Protection
31112 Partial Protection
31113 Vulnerable
31120 %d of %d Recommended Shields are ON
31121 %d of %d Recommended Shields is OFF
31122 %d of %d Recommended Shields are OFF
31123 %d of %d Critical Shields is OFF
31124 %d of %d Critical Shields are OFF
31125 (%s)
31140 Items Blocked:
31200 Alerts and News
31201 Alerts
31210 You have no alerts
31211 You have 1 alert
31212 You have %d alerts
31260 Spy News"!
31261 View news
31262 Updated news available
31300 Subscription Status
31310 Active Through: %s
31311 Check Status
31312 Unknown
31330 Automatic Updates:
31331 ON
31332 OFF
31340 About My Subscription
31350 Trial Version
31351 Trial Expired
31352 Inactive
31353 Update now
31354 Virus definitions out of date
31360 Inactive
31361 Subscribe Now
31362 Updates
31363 Definitions and Program
31370 Start Full Sweep
31371 Start Quick Sweep
31372 Start Custom Sweep
31373 Start Scheduled Sweep
31374 Start Context File Sweep
31375 Start Context Folder Sweep
31376 Last check for updates:
31400 Hosts File Shield
31401 %s is attempting to make changes to your Hosts file.
31402 The Hosts file is a Windows file that helps direct your computer to a Web site using Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, like an address book.
31403 We recommend that you block this program from accessing the Hosts file unless you know what this program is doing.
31410 Block Change
31411 Allow Change
31420 Access to Hosts file blocked for %s
31421 Access to Hosts file allowed for %s
31422 For your protection, this change will automatically be blocked if you have not taken any action in %d seconds.
31500 %%APP_NAME%% - %s
31501 Time remaining: %d seconds
31502 Always take the selected action for %s
31510 Memory Shield
31511 The program has detected a potential threat running in memory.
31512 %s has been found running on your computer. We recommend that you run a sweep to remove this item.
31513 Run Sweep
31514 Ignore
31550 Installation Shield
31551 A potentially unwanted program is attempting to execute.
31552 %s is attempting to execute.
31553 Block Action
31554 Allow Action
31555 For your protection, this action will be automatically blocked if you have not made a decision within %d seconds.
31556 If you do not recognize the name of the program, we recommend blocking this action.
31557 This file has been copied onto your computer. You are using a trial version of %%APP_NAME%%, which does not quarantine files. To purchase the full version of %%APP_NAME%%, visit www.webroot.com. We recommend that you manually delete the following file from your computer if you do not recognize it.
31575 Internet Communication Shield
31576 The program has blocked access to a potentially threatening Web site.
31577 The Internet Communication Shield has blocked access to:\n\n%s
31578 This site is on a list of sites known to be related to spyware.\n\nIf the program detects an attempt to communicate with a site on the list, it displays a pop-up alert in the system tray (lower-right corner of your screen), which informs you that access was blocked.\n\nTo allow access to the sites on this list, turn off the Internet Communication Shield.
31579 Close Alert
31580 View Help Info
31600 ActiveX Shield
31601 An ActiveX object is installing on your computer.
31602 %s is attempting to run on your computer.
31603 %s is attempting to install %s on your computer.
31604 This program could be a security issue for your computer. If you do not recognize the name of this program, we recommend blocking its installation.
31606 Block Installation
31607 Allow Installation
31608 For your protection, this installation will automatically be blocked if you have not made a decision within %d seconds.
31609 This ActiveX object could be a security issue for your computer. We recommend that you block it unless you know that you need it.
31650 Alternate Data Stream (ADS) Shield
31651 %s is attempting to run on your computer.
31652 This program is running from an Alternate Data Stream (ADS) and is most likely not related to the displayed file name.
31653 Alternate Data Streams can hide potentially damaging files behind seemingly harmless files, such as text files and graphic files. Legitimate programs very rarely run from an ADS.This program may be harmful to your computer. We recommend that you block it.
31654 Block Execution
31655 Allow Execution
31700 IE Security Shield
31701 %s is attempting to change your Internet Explorer security settings.
31702 %s is attempting to change your Internet Explorer security settings for this Web site: %s
31703 Programs should not change your Internet Explorer security settings. For your security, we recommend that you block this change.
31704 Block Change
31705 Allow Change
31706 For your protection, this change will automatically be blocked if you have not made a decision within %d seconds.
31750 Browser Helper Object (BHO)
31751 A BHO (Browser Helper Object) is installing in Internet Explorer
31752 %s is installing as a browser add-on.
31753 %s is attempting to install a browser add-on.
31754 If you are installing an Internet Explorer toolbar, you may want to allow installation of this browser add-on.
31755 This BHO could be a security issue for your computer. We strongly recommend blocking this installation.
31756 Block Installation
31757 Allow Installation
31758 For your protection, this installation will automatically be blocked if you have not made a decision within %d seconds.
31760 File Details:
31761 Name:
31762 File:
31763 Company:
31764 Copyright:
31800 Keylogger Shield
31801 A keylogger has been detected on your computer.
31802 %s has been found on your system actively logging key strokes.
31805 %sThis keylogger could be a security issue for your computer. We strongly recommend that you run a sweep and quarantine the keylogger.
31806 %sIf you do not recognize this software, we recommend quarantining it.
31811 Ignore
31815 -- Keylogger allowed to continue at your request
31821 If you do not recognize this program, we recommend you update security definitions and then run a sweep.
31850 Code Injection Shield
31851 The program has detected a code injection attempt.
31852 %s is attempting to inject some of its code into %s.
31855 %sWarning: This program has been identified as known spyware. We strongly recommend that you quarantine this program.
31860 Quarantine
31861 Ignore
31862 For your protection, this operation will automatically be blocked if you have not made a decision within %d seconds.
31865 -- Code Injection allowed at user request
31866 -- Code Injection denied
31867 %s is attempting to %s %s
31868 The program has detected a change to your service configuration information that you may not want.
31869 The program has detected a change to your service configuration information.
31870 %s is a signed service.
31871 We recommend that you allow this change, unless you suspect an unwanted program is attempting to make it.
31872 %s is an unsigned service.
31873 If you know that this is being attempted for a legitimate purpose, we recommend that you allow this change.
31874 This change will automatically be allowed if no action is taken in %d seconds.
31875 %s could be a security issue for your computer. We recommend that you block this program, unless you are sure that a legitimate application is performing the change and you want to continue.
31876 delete
31877 modify
31878 install
31879 %s is a signed application.
31880 %s is an unsigned application.
31900 Action Required: Register %%APP_NAME%% Now
31901 Product registration is required to access free program updates and customer support.
31905 Register Now
31906 Register Later
31907 Please don't show this reminder again
31920 Updates to Webroot software complete.
31921 Your use of Webroot AntiVirus with AntiSpyware is governed by the same End User License Agreement (EULA) you accepted in your initial installation of Spy Sweeper.
31922 &Close Window
31923 Review EULA
31924 Protection Added
31950 Tell Me More
31951 No Thanks
31980 Tamper Detection
31981 Matched Spy: %s
31982 Source: %s
31983 Target: %s
31984 Operation: %s
31990 Terminate
31991 Close
31992 Code Injection
31993 File Access
31994 Registry Access
31995 Debug
31996 Unknown (%d)
32000 About My Subscription
32001 About My Subscription
32010 Subscription
32011 Active Through:
32020 Security Definitions
32021 Version:
32022 Total Definitions:
32030 Program Version
32031 Version:
32032 Keycode:
32033 Virus Definitions
32034 Virus detection from Sophos«
32035 ⌐ 2003 - 2008 Webroot Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Webroot, %%APP_NAME%% and the Webroot and %%APP_NAME%% icons are trademarks of Webroot Software, Inc.Included anti-virus software ⌐ 2000-2008 Sophos Group, All rights reserved. Sophos and Sophos Anti-Virus are registered trademarks of Sophos Plc and Sophos Group.All other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
32036 ⌐ 2003 - 2008 Webroot Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Webroot, %%APP_NAME%% and the Webroot and %%APP_NAME%% icons are trademarks of Webroot Software, Inc.All other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
32037 Total viruses:
32038 Definitions version:
32039 Engine version:
32100 Restart Now
32101 Restart Later
32200 Trace marked as Always Ignore
32201 Trace marked as Always Remove
32202 Threat marked as Always Ignore
32203 Threat marked as Always Remove
32210 Spyware report filed. Trigger: %s
32220 Shield States
32230 Blacklisted change blocked.
32231 Resetting Home Page value.
32232 Allowing new Home Page value.
32233 Resetting Search Page value.
32234 Allowing new Search Page value.
32235 Resetting IE advanced data value.
32236 Allowing new IE advanced data value.
32237 Restored IE Defaults.
32238 Allowed bad IE data values.
32240 Entry Allowed: %s
32241 Entry Denied: %s
32242 License Check Status (%d): %s
32243 Success
32244 Keycode was not found.
32245 Keycode database was offline.
32246 Keycode is disabled.
32247 Keycode swap rejected.
32300 Alerts
32301 Alerts help keep your computer safe.
32306 About Alerts
32307 Alerts warn you about suspicious items detected on your computer and about program status, such as a missed scheduled sweep. The Alerts panel shows details about all current alerts and allows you to take the appropriate action on each one. You must select an action to clear the alert from the panel.
32400 Warning!
32401 A disk is loaded in the floppy drive. You should remove this floppy disk before the system shuts down. The floppy disk could be infected with bootable malware, which could cause your system to reboot to the floppy drive and infect your system.
32402 Select what you want to do:
32403 " Proceed anyway
32404 " Remove the floppy disk manually and retry
32405 &Proceed
32406 &Retry
32500 Quarantine
32501 The Quarantine is Almost Full
32502 Your computer is running low on hard drive space for the main hard drive.
32503 Removing old items from Quarantine will recover %d MB of space.
32504 Remove Old Quarantine Data
32510 Delete Old Items
32511 Manage Quarantine
32512 Remind Me Later
32515 The Quarantine contains disabled items, which cannot harm your computer. Deleting items from Quarantine permanently removes them from your computer, so only delete those items you are sure you do not need.
32520 The Quarantine is Still Full
32521 %s MB of items were deleted.%s MB of items remain in your Quarantine.We recommend going to your Quarantine and deleting additional items to make more space available on your hard drive.
32600 Network Connection Failed
32601 A problem was experienced when attempting to contact Webroot. If you are using a firewall, please be sure that it allows Internet access for %%APP_NAME%%, then try again. If the problem continues, contact Webroot support (1-866-612-4227).
32602 OK
32603 Contact Support
32700 %%APP_NAME%%
32710 %%APP_NAME%%
32711 An e-mail attachment has been quarantined.
32712 View Quarantine
32713 A potentially unwanted program has been detected in an e-mail attachment.We recommend that you immediately buy a subscription to %%APP_NAME%%, run a sweep and quarantine detected items.
32714 Get a Subscription to %%APP_NAME%%
32720 %%APP_NAME%%
32721 The program was unable to check for updates.
32730 %%APP_NAME%%
32731 Last sweep is more than %.0g days old.
32732 Perform Security Sweep
32740 %%APP_NAME%%
32741 The program has finished updating security definitions.You are now protected against %s threats.
32750 %%APP_NAME%%
32751 Updates are available for %%APP_NAME%%.
32752 Update %%APP_NAME%% Now
32760 %%APP_NAME%%
32761 %%APP_NAME%% may be out of date.
32762 Check for Updates
32770 %%APP_NAME%%
32772 View Quarantine
32773 File System Shield has quarantined a potential unwanted program.
32774 Execution Shield has quarantined a potential unwanted program.
33000 Sweep Your Computer
33010 How a Sweep Works
33011 Step 1: Search Your Computer
33012 The program searches for items that could compromise your computer's security.
33013 Step 2: Quarantine Items Detected
33014 The program moves detected items to a holding area, called a "Quarantine." You decide what to do with items (keep, restore or delete).
33016 Click %s to begin
33017 Step 3: Summarize Actions
33018 The program summarizes the action you designated for each found item.
33020 Definitions
33021 Your security definitions have been updated within the last week. Updated definitions are vital for a thorough system sweep.
33022 Your security definitions have been updated within the last week. Updated definitions are vital for a thorough system sweep.
33030 Check for Updates
33031 Your last check for updated security definitions was more than one week ago. For best security, you should check weekly. Click the "Update Definitions" button.
33032 Your last check for updated security definitions was more than one week ago. For best security, you should check weekly. Click the "Update Definitions" button.
33033 &Check for Updates
33040 Definitions Out of Date
33041 Your security definitions are out of date. New threats emerge daily, so it is vital to update them at least once a week. Click the "Update Definitions" button.
33042 Your security definitions are out of date. New threats emerge daily, so it is vital to update them at least once a week. Click the "Update Definitions" button.
33043 &Update Definitions
33050 Definitions Not Available
33051 The program is unable to locate security definitions. Your computer will not be protected from emerging threats without current definitions.
33052 The program is unable to locate definitions. Your computer will not be protected from emerging threats without current definitions.
33055 Virus Sweep: On
33056 Virus Sweep: Off
33060 Active Sweep Options
33062 Custom Sweep Settings
33063 Quick Sweep Settings
33064 Full Sweep Settings
33065 S&chedule This Sweep
33066 Sweep &Now
33067 Full Sweep is a thorough system sweep. It will search all files on all your computer's attached drives.
33068 Quick Sweep is a light sweep that maximizes use of your computer's processing power to sweep faster. It will search only locations where security issues are commonly found.
33069 Custom Sweep lets you create custom settings for the search.
33070 Drives
33071 None Selected
33072 Where to Sweep
33073 Virus Sweep
33074 The program will sweep all files on attached drives.
33076 The program will sweep user-selected files and folders.
33077 Sweep Time
33078 Important Notice Regarding Sweep Time<br><br>Sweeping for viruses is a thorough process that will take more time than just searching for potentially unwanted programs.
33080 Items
33081 Windows Registry
33082 Memory Objects
33083 Cookies
33084 Files
33085 None Selected
33089 Verify Executable Programs
33090 Options
33093 All User Accounts
33094 System Restore Folder
33095 Direct Disk Sweeping
33096 Compressed Files
33097 Rootkits
33098 None Selected
33100 Sweep Options
33110 Checking for updated definitions...
33111 Downloading updated definitions...
33112 Change Settings
33113 &Analyze executable programs in a protected memory space
33114 Sweep All Attached Drives
33510 Sweep Status: 1 Item Detected
33511 Sweep Status: %d Items Detected
33513 1 hour,
33514 %d hours,
33515 1 minute
33516 %d minutes
33517 less than 1 minute
33518 calculating...
33530 &Stop Sweep
33531 &Pause Sweep
33540 &Quarantine Selected
33541 Elapsed Time:
33600 Shields
33601 Critical Web Browser Shields
33602 Critical Windows System Shields
33620 Shields S&ummary
33640 Web B&rowser
33641 &Tracking Cookies
33642 IE Fa&vorites
33643 IE &Security
33644 IE &Hijack
33645 Browser Helper Object
33650 Tracking Cookies
33651 IE Favorites
33652 IE Security
33653 IE Hijack
33654 Browser Helper Object
33660 Windows S&ystem
33661 &ActiveX
33662 Alternate &Data Stream Execution
33663 Windows Messenger &Service
33666 &Internet Communication
33667 C&ode Injection
33668 &Keylogger
33670 ActiveX
33672 Windows Messenger Service
33675 Internet Communication
33677 Keylogger
33678 &Analyze executable programs in a protected memory space before starting*
33679 &Scan for viruses when starting applications*
33680 &Network
33681 &Common Ad Sites
33682 &Hosts File
33683 *Option may increase application startup times.
33690 Common Ad Sites
33691 Hosts File
33701 Startup Items
33710 Startup Items
33721 Browser Helper Object
33740 E-&mail Attachments
33741 E-mail Attachment
33750 E-mail Attachments
33800 About Shields
33801 Shield Alerts Method
33802 &Show notification above system tray
33803 &Open the program to show alert details
33808 Shields Summary
33809 While the program is running, shields continuously monitor your computer and protect it from changes and downloads you may not want. When it detects a potential security issue, an alert opens and allows you to take action (for example, proceed or stop).<br><br>To turn shields on or off, click on the corresponding tab or click on a shield name in the Summary panel.
33810 Program Shield ON
33811 Virus Shield ON
33812 Shield Options
33900 Loading...
33901 Items processed: %d of %d
34000 Sweep Details
34010 Search for
34011 Total Definitions
34020 Items Inspected
34021 Memory
34022 Registry
34023 Cookies
34024 Files/Folders
34031 Items
34032 Traces
34040 Sweep Time
34041 Total Time
34042 Elapsed
34100 About E-mail Attachments Shield
34101 E-mail Attachments Shield
34102 The Email Attachments Shield monitors file attachments in both incoming and outgoing emails. If the program detects that a file or its contents match a security definition, it places the attachment in Quarantine, where you can decide whether to save the attachment to your computer or delete it.
34112 &Ask me where to save every file
34113 Always save &to:
34114 Select &Location...
34115 Select E-mail Attachment Restore Location
34116 Restoring Attachments
34118 The location entered does not exist or is invalid. Please enter a valid path name or use Select Location... to choose one.
34119 If the program detects that a file or its contents match a security definition, an alert will be issued. To quarantine the attachment, you must purchase a full subscription to %%APP_NAME%%.
34150 About Windows System Shields
34151 Windows System Shields
34152 Windows System Shields protect settings and other parts of your Windows system, which are common targets for programs attempting to infiltrate your computer.
34153 Windows System Shields protect settings and other parts of your Windows system, which are common targets for programs attempting to infiltrate your computer.<BR><BR><B>Note:</B> Windows Messenger Service does not affect instant messaging. It is often used for spam messages and pop-up ads. Home users do not need this service and can enable this shield. If you work in a corporate environment, ask your system administrator if you need this service.
34170 Automatically q&uarantine programs detected by this shield
34172 Enable to add additional memory scanning protection for potentially unwanted programs that might be running in memory.
34200 About Web Browser Shields
34201 Web Browser Shields
34202 Web Browser Shields protect browser settings, which are common targets for programs or viruses attempting to infiltrate your computer.
34210 " IE Home Page
34211 " IE Search Page
34212 I&E Hijack Shield Options...
34213 &Browser Helper Object (BHO)
34214 BHO Shield &Options...
34230 BHO Shield Options
34231 Use caution deselecting Browser Helper Objects. On rare occasions, deselecting BHOs can cause system instability. This feature should only be used by experienced users.
34232 Checked items automatically load when Internet Explorer starts:
34233 Product Name (Company Name)
34234 File Name
34235 &More Details
34240 You have deactivated one or more Browser Helper Objects. To fully remove these items, you must close all Internet Explorer windows that are currently open.
34250 IE Hijack Shield Options
34251 Whenever a program tries to change these pages, an alert opens and allows you to accept or reject the change.
34252 Use This Page
34253 &Alert me before restoring this setting
34260 IE Ho&me Page Shield
34261 IE S&earch Page Shield
34262 Advanced Settings
34263 &User
34264 &System
34265 &Reset IE Page Settings to Defaults
34266 A&lert me before restoring this setting
34267 Alert me &before restoring this setting
34300 About Startup Programs Shield
34301 Startup Programs Shield
34302 The Startup Shield monitors the list of programs that start every time you start Windows. If your system is not protected, some programs can add themselves to this list and will start every time you start Windows.
34310 &Startup Items
34321 Use caution deselecting programs. On rare occasions, deselecting programs can cause system instability.
34322 Checked items automatically start when Windows starts:
34323 Startup Item
34324 Executable
34326 &More Details
34350 About Network Shields
34351 Network Shields
34352 Network Shields can block some ads and unexpected Web sites from loading. For example, you try to access webroot.com, but SomeAdSite.com loads instead.
34360 &Common Ad Sites
34361 &Hosts File
34362 H&osts File Shield Options...
34380 Hosts File Shield Options
34381 Address entries processed: %d of %d
34390 Editing the Hosts file lets you remove entries. If you suspect that spyware has changed the IP address of a Web site in your Hosts file, select the entry below and click "Delete Selected."Hijacked entries do not match the IP address in the DNS server and likely have been changed by spyware.
34391 Address
34392 IP Address in Hosts File
34393 Correct IP Address
34395 &Delete Selected
34396 Select All
34397 Deselect All
34510 Congratulations!
34511 No spyware was found on your computer.\n\nRemember to update the program and sweep your computer weekly to keep your computer free from spyware.
34512 Sweep Status: Cancelled
34513 The sweep was cancelled before any items were found.
34514 The sweep was cancelled. Click %s to handle items detected.
34515 Sweep Status: 1 Item Found
34516 Sweep Status: %d Items Detected
34517 The sweep found only items that you have marked "Always Ignore."
34520 None
34530 &Back to Home
34531 C&ontinue
34541 Subscribe &Later
34542 Subscribe &Now
34552 No spyware or viruses were found on your computer.\n\nRemember to update the program and sweep your computer weekly to keep your computer free from spyware and viruses.
34553 Full Sweep
34554 Quick Sweep
34555 Custom Sweep
34556 Scheduled Sweep
34557 Context File Sweep
34558 Context Folder Sweep
35000 Item Details
35001 Name:
35002 Category:
35003 Risk Rating:
35004 Traces Found:
35005 Description:
35006 View More Details Online
35007 Subcategory:
35008 Note: This item includes an e-mail attachment
35501 Additional Tools Required
35502 Additional tools are required to completely remove some of the items detected.Click the Download link below to download a free removal tool from webroot.com.Instructions for using these tools are on the Download page.When you finish using the removal tools, click Finish.
35503 Item Name
35504 Removal Tool Availability
35506 Finish
36010 %d Items
36011 1 Item
36012 Select items to quarantine (quarantined items cannot harm your computer). Items not selected will be kept and will remain active.
36013 Found:
36014 Auto-quarantined:
36015 Auto-ignored:
36020 Name
36021 Risk
36030 Select All
36031 Deselect All
36032 View Sweep Details
36040 Always Ask
36041 Always Quarantine
36042 Always Ignore
36060 &Quarantine Selected
36080 Processing items to be quarantined...
36500 Session Log
36510 &Maximum number of sessions saved:
36520 Back to %s
36530 &Save to File
36531 &Clear Session Log
37010 Finished!
37011 The items have been handled as you instructed.\n\nQuarantined items cannot affect your computer.
37012 Full Sweep Recommended
37013 The items have been handled as you instructed.\n\nHowever, your Quick Sweep found items indicating that a Full Sweep is now recommended.
37020 Sweep History
37021 Items removed to date:
37030 Items
37031 Detected:
37032 Quarantined:
37033 Ignored:
37040 Name
37041 Risk
37042 Category
37043 Action Taken
37044 Quarantined
37045 Partially Quarantined
37046 Always Quarantine
37047 Ignored
37048 Always Ignore
37049 Some traces were removed; some were ignored. For details, view the Session Log.
37050 &Back to Home
37051 &Full Sweep Now
37060 Summary
37070 View Session Log
37071 Quarantined, %d of %d files repaired
37080 Quarantine Failed
37500 See Help
37501 for more info.
37600 Sweeping
37601 Quarantine
37602 Summary
37603 Sweep Cancelled
38000 Quarantine
38001 Items in the Quarantine cannot harm your computer.
38002 How the Quarantine Works
38020 &Items: %s
38021 No Items in Quarantine
38030 About Quarantined Items
38031 Items detected during a sweep are moved into the Quarantine, which is a holding area where they cannot run or harm your computer. You can take one of three actions on a quarantined item:<BR><BR><b>Leave in Quarantine (Recommended) - </b>We recommend that you keep items in Quarantine, so you can test computer operations without those items in their original locations. This is the safest action. You can restore or delete items later.<br><br><b>Restore - </b>If a legitimate program does not work after an item has been quarantined, you can restore the item to its original location. Restore an item only if you're sure it's needed.<br><br><b>Delete - </b>Delete items only if you know you do not need them.
38050 Restoring: %s
38051 Deleting: %s
38052 Select All
38053 Deselect All
38054 &Delete Selected Items
38055 &Restore Selected Items
38500 Program Update
38501 Download Program Update?A program update is available for download at webroot.com. Would you like to download this update now?
38505 Update &Now
38506 Update &Later
38800 Warning: Your %%APP_NAME%% trial ends soon
38801 Warning: In %d days you'll be vulnerable to new security threats
38802 Don't let security threats infect your PC again subscribe today
38810 Your trial protection expires in: %sSpyware traces removed since installation: %dOur automated research engine, Phileas, continuously scans the Web identifying hundreds of new security threats every week. This information ensures that you and your computer stay protected from the latest infections.Don t let your protection end.
38811 Your trial protection expires in: %sSpyware traces removed since installation: %dSubscribe to %%APP_NAME%% now and receive one year of: " Complete protection from security threats " Continuous security and virus definition updates " Free software updates " Free customer support
38812 Your trial protection expires: %sSpyware traces removed since installation: %dDid you know...Shields conveniently block security threats before they install, reducing disruptive infections and giving you cleaner and faster scans.Stay protected. Subscribe today.
38820 Buy It Now
38821 Continue Trial
38900 This feature is available to active subscribers only. Click the Subscribe button above to upgrade your security protection.
38901 Security Threats Detected on Your Computer
38902 subscribe now to remove detected threats.An active %%APP_NAME%% Subscription is required for removal.
38903 Sweep Complete - No Security Threats Detected
38904 Subscribe now for full service protection.An active %%APP_NAME%% Subscription is required for removal.
38905 Updates Expired
38906 Your free update period has expired and your computer can no longer be protected from the latest threats. For full protection, subscribe now to %%APP_NAME%%.
38907 Inactive
38908 Free Threat Scan - Subscription Inactive
38909 Subscribe
38911 Subscription:
38912 It provides access to the basic features of the program, allowing you to sweep the computer and change the program's configuration settings.
38920 (Quarantine of threats requires an active subscription.)
38930 No Malware Found Today
38931 Keeping your PC malware-free takes a lot of work, especially when crafty writers use new techniques to attack your PC. Your PC could be targeted at any time.
38932 Protect your PC with %%APP_NAME%% - the #1 rated protection
38933 Subscribe today and get:\n - Unrivaled detection and removal\n - Superior spyware blocking\n - FREE customer support\n - FREE defense updates
38934 Subscribe Now
38940 Renew now to remove detected threats. An active %%APP_NAME%% subscription is required for removal.
38942 An expired subscription leaves your computer exposed to rapidly evolving threats.
38943 Renew your subscription now and receive:\n - Real-time protection\n - Secure online backup of your files\n - Free software updates\n - Free customer support\n - Top-rated protection
38944 Renew your subscription now and receive:\n - Unrivaled detection and removal\n - Superior protection against malware\n - Secure online backup of your files\n - Ability to permanently delete files\n - Free customer support
38945 Renew your subscription now and receive:\n - Real-time protection\n - Free software updates\n - Free customer support\n - Top-rated protection
39000 Options
39002 Home Security Solutions
39003 Business Solutions
39040 Sweep Settings Summary
39050 S&weep
39051 Sweep Type
39052 About Sweep Options
39053 Custom &Sweep
39054 &Quick Sweep
39055 &Full Sweep (Recommended)
39057 Windows ®istry
39058 &Memory objects
39059 Coo&kies
39060 Compressed &files
39061 S&ystem Restore folder
39063 &Sweep all user accounts
39064 &Enable Direct Disk Sweeping including Rootkit detection
39065 Sweep for masked files
39066 View Session Log
39067 Sweep Speed vs. Processor Usage
39068 Conserve processing power
39069 Sweep faster
39070 Sweep Options
39071 About Sweep Options
39072 Full Sweep is the most thorough sweep and is recommended for keeping your computer secure.<BR><BR>Quick Sweep searches your computer faster, but is not as secure as a Full Sweep.<BR><BR>Custom Sweep lets you select where and how the program searches your computer.<BR><BR>We recommend sweeping at least once a week.
39200 Schedu&le
39201 Tip:
39202 Double-click a scheduled sweep to change it.
39203 About Schedules
39205 Sweep Description
39206 Next Sweep
39207 Last Sweep
39208 Add a &Scheduled Sweep
39209 &Run Selected
39210 &Change Selected
39211 &Delete Selected
39213 Microsoft Task Scheduler has been disabled. To activate Scheduling Services, click the button below. This will activate Microsoft Task Scheduler Service.
39215 Scheduled Sweeps
39216 The Schedule tab lists all scheduled sweeps and lets you edit or create scheduled sweeps.<BR><BR>You can schedule different sweeps to run at different times. We recommend running a thorough sweep at least once a week.
39217 Never
39218 When I log on
39219 Quick Sweep %s
39220 Full Sweep %s
39221 Custom Sweep %s
39222 Cleanup %s
39234 Schedule Wizard
39235 << &Back
39236 &Next >>
39237 &Finish
39238 &Cancel
39239 Custom Sweep - 5 of 5
39240 &Daily
39241 Wee&kly
39242 M&onthly
39243 When I &log on
39244 Sweep at:
39245 Every:
39246 Day:
39247 weeks
39248 of each month
39249 This scheduled item will run whenever you turn on your computer and log into your user account.
39250 &Monday
39251 &Tuesday
39252 &Wednesday
39253 Th&ursday
39254 F&riday
39255 S&aturday
39256 &Sunday
39257 Select Sweep Type
39262 Custom Sweep - 2 of 5
39263 Custom Sweep - 1 of 5
39264 days
39265 Custom Sweep - 3 of 5
39267 During sweeps, the file types added to this list will be skipped. Be aware that skipping any file type could leave your computer vulnerable.
39268 File types to skip:
39269 Never skip file types ".dll", ".exe" and ".com". Spyware, adware, viruses and potentially unwanted programs often use these file types.
39270 &Delete Selected
39271 &Add to Skip List
39272 Enter a file extension (such as .mp3 or .wma) to skip. Separate multiple entries with a comma or semicolon.
39273 Custom Sweep - 4 of 5
39274 Skip File Types
39275 Advanced Options
39276 What to Sweep
39278 Add File Types
39279 &OK
39281 File extension format should be .mp3 or similar. Extensions may not contain special characters (/, \, , :, ;, *, ?, ", <, >, |).Start each entry with a period and separate multiple entries with a comma or semicolon.Please re-enter the file extensions you'd like to skip.
39282 No Change in Subscription Status
39283 The Check Status link checks the Webroot subscriptiondatabase to see if you have extended or otherwisechanged your subscription.Your subscription information is up to date.
39284 Subscription Status Updated
39285 File Type Exclusion
39286 The following file types you are excluding:%s...are frequently used by spyware, adware, viruses and potentially unwanted programs. We recommend that you do not exclude these from sweeps.
39287 &Exclude these file types
39288 &Do not exclude these file types
39289 You must select a day for the scheduled sweep.
39400 &Always Apply
39401 Choose items to Always Quarantine or Always Ignore during a sweep
39402 About Always Apply
39404 Show items &marked:
39405 Show All Items
39406 Always As&k
39407 Always I&gnore
39408 Always &Quarantine
39409 Name
39410 Always
39411 Risk
39412 Quarantine
39413 Ask
39414 Ignore
39415 Tell the program what to do with selected items:
39416 Clea&r from List
39417 Select All
39418 Deselect All
39419 Spy Cookie:
39420 Trojan:
39422 Adware:
39426 Item: %s \nType: %s \nDescription: %s
39427 About Always Apply
39428 Always Apply options help reduce the number of items you must evaluate during sweeps. You can manage items in four ways:<BR><BR><B>Always Ask - </B>This is the default (automatic) setting, where the program asks you whether to quarantine a found item after each sweep.<BR><BR><B>Always Quarantine - </B>If you repeatedly see the same unwanted items during sweeps, tell the program to always quarantine them.<BR><BR><B>Always Ignore - </B>If you know you need some items to use legitimate programs, tell the program to always ignore them.<BR><BR><B>Clear from List - </B>Clears items from the list so you can make it shorter and easier to manage. Clearing items from this list does not remove them from your system.<BR><BR>
39429 Details
39430 View
39431 About Shields
39432 While the program is running, shields continuously monitor your computer and protect it from changes you may not want.<br><br>To turn shields on or off, click on the corresponding tab or click on a shield name in the Summary panel.
39600 &Update
39601 Security definitions last updated: %s
39602 About Updates
39603 Last Updates
39604 Auto-Update
39605 Au&tomatically check for program updates
39606 Automatically &download security definitions if available
39607 Update Now
39608 Check for updates to the program and to security definitions.
39609 &Check for Updates
39610 Update the program
39611 Checking for Updates...
39612 Downloading Updates...
39613 Installing Updates...
39614 Update Cancelled
39615 Update has been cancelled at your request.
39616 Update Complete
39617 Your definitions are now up to date.
39618 You already have the most current security definitions.
39619 You are protected from %s threats.
39620 Never
39621 Your Subscription has Expired.
39622 Update Incomplete
39623 Unable to establish a connection.
39624 Failed to update definitions.
39625 About Updates
39626 We recommend that you select both Auto-Update options to ensure that you always have the latest definition and program updates. If you do not select those options, we recommend you check for updates weekly.
39627 Please Note: Updating the program does not extend your subscription.
39628 Go to your Web browser to check for program updates.
39629 Ch&eck daily - select if you have a dial-up connection or want to limit communications
39630 Chec&k hourly - select if you want the most updated security definitions
39631 How often should the program check for definition updates?
39632 Check for updates to definitions once a day.Recommendation: Select this option if you connect to the Internet using a dial-up connection or you just want to limit communications between your computer and the Webroot Web site.
39633 Check for updates to definitions once an hour.Recommendation: Select this option if you connect to the Internet using a fast connection, such as DSL or cable, and you want the most updated security definitions from Webroot.
39634 Your computer is at risk from new emerging threats.
39635 To protect your computer, click the "Renew Now" button on the Home Screen to renew your subscription.
39700 &Program
39701 About Program Options
39703 Display
39704 Add "Sweep" &option to Windows Explorer context menu
39705 &Display splash screen on program startup
39706 &Show tooltips
39707 Other Options
39708 E&nable password protection
39709 Load the program at Windows s&tartup
39710 Report Potential Threat
39711 Have you encountered something you suspect to be spyware, adware, a virus or a potentially unwanted program?
39712 Report your discovery to Webroot Threat Research.
39713 Beta &Feedback
39714 Program Options
39715 These options control what program items are displayed and whether the program starts whenever you turn on your computer.<br><br>Program options also let you protect your settings with a password and report potentially unwanted programs or viruses.
39716 &Report Potential Threat
39717 Perform "&Check Status" on startup
39718 Run Setup W&izard
39800 S&hields
39801 About Shield Options
39802 Antivirus Protection
39803 Protect against &viruses
39804 Automatically &quarantine viruses detected by these shields
39805 Sweep
39900 We&broot Products
39904 Eliminate all traces of your PC and Internet activity
39905 Flexible and comprehensive parental controls
39906 The most effective security for the SMB and Enterprise markets
39907 Antivirus Upgrade
39908 %%APP_NAME%%
39909 The ultimate in defense for your computer, Webroot fuses the leading anti-spyware with industrial strength antivirus protection.
39939 Locations to Ignore
39940 File Extensions to Ignore
39941 Files/Locations to Ignore
39942 Alert only for suspicious startup item changes
39943 Alert me for ALL startup item changes
39944 Webroot Parental Controls
39945 Window Washer
39946 Desktop and Perimeter Security Products
39950 WebrootQuarantined.txt
39951 The attachment that originally accompanied this e-mail has been quarantined because a potential security issue was detected.\n\nAttachment Filename: %s \n\n-RISK PROFILE-\nName: %s\nCategory: %s\nRisk Rating: %s\n\nDescription:\n%s\n\n-WHAT TO DO-\nThe quarantined item can no longer affect your computer. We do not recommend you restore it. Should you choose to do so, here is how:\n\n1. Open %%APP_NAME%%\n2. Click on "Quarantine" in the left navigation panel\n3. Locate and expand the item named "%s"\n4. Select "E-mail Attachment: %s" (Make sure it is the only item selected)\n5. Click the "Restore Selected Items" button\n6. Choose a location for the restored file (if prompted)
39952 E-mail attachment:
39960 Shield Activation
39961 To fully activate shields, Windows needs to be restarted.
39962 Shields provide active protection from programs attempting to install on your computer without your consent.
39963 Recommendation: Save and close all open files, and then click Restart Now when you are ready to restart Windows.
39964 When you restart Windows, shield protection will automatically activate.
39968 Restart Now
39969 Restart Later
39999 **** ERROR: Session log file %s too large for display *****
40000 Start a Webroot security sweep on the selected folder and its subfolders.
40001 Click to start the sweep.
40036 Protects your Home Page from being changed without your knowledge.
40037 Protects the Search Page (appears when you type in a nonexistent Web site) from being changed without your knowledge.
40038 Restores Internet Explorer to safe browser settings in case of a hijack.
40047 Unwanted programs may change the advanced Internet Explorer page settings. Select a page from the list to view or change its setting.
40116 Sweep your system.
40117 Move found item into Quarantine.
40118 Displays the results of the last sweep.
40119 Displays quarantined items that you can restore or delete.
40120 Configure and view details about the various systems that can continuously monitor and protect you from threats.
40121 Schedule, Configure, and more.
40123 Buy %%APP_NAME%%.
40127 %%APP_NAME%%
40129 %%APP_NAME%%
40132 Detailed help about this section.
40133 Click to select all listed items.
40134 Click to deselect all listed items.
40148 Restores the selected items from Quarantine to their original state.
40149 Permanently deletes the selected items from your computer.
40164 Remove all selected items.
40165 If you select a "parent" item, all of the traces under that item will be selected also.
40181 Logs of previous session results.
40183 Save the log to a text file for your own use.
40184 Display dialog box showing history of virus and spy definition updates.
40216 Set up program options.
40217 Sweep configuration settings.
40249 Sweeps your computer's random access memory (RAM) where potential threats commonly load.
40250 Sweeps your computer's registry, where potential threats can create entries.
40254 Sweeps the registry of every local user account. If not selected, sweeps only the account that is currently logged on.
40255 Sweeps the folder where Windows saves system restore files.
40256 Sweeps your computer for tracking cookies, which may contain personal information about you.
40259 Sweeps the contents of compressed files, such as .zip files (may result in a slower sweep).
40300 Backup
40301 Backup button hint
40302 Firewall
40303 Firewall button hint
40304 Cleanup
40305 Cleanup button hint
40306 Schedule
40307 Schedule button hint
40310 Subscription
40311 Refresh Status
40312 Refresh Status hint
40313 Gamer Mode [OFF]
40314 Gamer Mode [ON]
40315 Last check:
40316 Alerts
40320 Antivirus and Antispyware
40321 Shields:
40322 Manage Quarantine (1 item)
40323 Manage Quarantine (%d items)
40324 AntiSpyware
40325 Sweep Now
40326 Backup
40327 Last backup:
40328 Online storage used:
40329 Increase Online Storage Space
40330 Backup Now
40331 Restore Now
40332 Firewall
40333 Status:
40334 Filtering Traffic
40335 Filter traffic (recommended)
40336 Allow ALL traffic
40337 Block ALL traffic
40338 Cleanup
40339 Last cleanup:
40340 Cleanup Now
40341 Home
40342 Office
40343 Remote
40344 %s of %s (%s%%)
40346 Configure Backup
40347 Backup not configured
40350 Close support panel
40351 Improve Your Protection
40352 Protect against viruses
40353 Block unwanted traffic
40354 Clean your system
40355 Back up your files
40356 Back up files locally
40357 Upgrade Now
40360 Manage Alerts
40361 No open alerts
40362 Startup
40363 IE Favorites
40364 IE Page
40365 IE Homepage
40366 IE Hijack
40367 IE Hijacked
40368 Messenger
40369 Error Report
40370 Update Definitions
40371 Update Software
40372 Schedule
40373 Subscription Renew
40374 Product Registration
40375 Quarantine
40376 Net Connection
40377 Protection changed
40378 Check For Updates
40379 License Updated
40380 Old Sweep
40381 Trial Nag
40382 Server
40383 Legal
40384 Email Shield
40385 Hosts
40386 Debug Alert
40390 Unspecified Alert
40602 Access and make changes to the Browser Helper Objects (BHOs), which are add-on programs. Some spyware can add BHOs without your knowledge.
40700 The DNS name of the proxy server or its IP address.
40701 Port number that the HTTP proxy listens on.
40702 User name, if the proxy server requires authentication.
40703 Password, if the proxy server requires authentication.
40704 Check if the proxy server requires basic authentication.
41000 Name:
41010 Type:
41011 Optional
41012 Recommended
41013 Critical
41020 Status:
41021 ON
41022 OFF
41030 Description:
41100 Tracking Cookies Shield
41101 Blocks known tracking cookies, which can collect and share information about your Web surfing habits.
41102 IE Favorites Shield
41103 Alerts you when programs try to change your Internet Explorer Favorites list.
41104 IE Security Shield
41105 Alerts you when programs try to change your Internet Explorer security settings.
41106 Browser Help Object (BHO) Shield
41107 Alerts you when programs try to install a Browser Helper Object (BHO), which are add-ons to your browser.
41108 IE Hijack Shield
41109 Alerts you when programs try to change your home page or the pages Internet Explorer uses internally, such as those used for searching.
41110 Lets you set and protect the Web pages Internet Explorer uses for home, search, and other pages.
41120 Common Ad Sites Shield
41121 Blocks known advertising Web sites from displaying ads in your browser.
41122 Hosts File Shield
41123 Alerts you when programs try to divert one Web address to another address (for example, sending you to www.SomeOtherSite.com instead of www.webroot.com).
41124 Lets you edit the Hosts file to remove entries that were added by unknown programs.
41140 ActiveX Shield
41141 Alerts you when programs try to install using ActiveX technology, which lets programs share information. Legitimate programs use ActiveX, but some spyware programs also use it.
41142 Alternate Data Stream (ADS) Execution Shield
41143 Alerts you when programs try to start from an Alternate Data Stream, which is a method used for hiding malicious code.
41144 Windows Messenger Service Shield
41145 Stops ads and spam sent with this service. This service is not related to instant messaging.
41149 Alerts you when a program attempts to execute a process on your computer.
41150 Internet Communication Shield
41151 Blocks communication from your computer to Web sites known to be related to spyware and adware.
41152 Keylogger Shield
41153 Blocks programs that try to monitor your keystrokes, which can capture your credit card numbers, passwords, and other personal information.
41156 Alerts you only when a program that matches a Webroot security definition tries to install ActiveX.
41157 Moves items detected by this shield into Quarantine, without displaying an alert screen.
41160 Startup Items Shield
41161 Alerts you when programs try to add items to the Windows Start list.
41164 Lets you edit the Windows startup items to stop programs from executing when Windows starts.
41165 Alerts you when any program tries to add an item to the Windows Start list. This option ensures that you always know when an item is added to your startup list.
41166 Alerts you only when a program identified in the Webroot security definitions tries to add itself to the Windows Start list. This program could start along with Windows.
41180 E-mail Attachments Shield
41181 Intercepts file attachments in incoming and outgoing e-mail messages and scans them for potential threats.
41200 Displays alerts in a small window above the system tray (lower-right corner of your monitor).
41201 Displays alerts in the main program window, with alert details.
41500 Provides access to the program's main functions and information about the overall status.
41501 Displays information about sweeps and lets you start a sweep.
41502 Allows you to set shields, which continuously protect your computer from unwanted downloads and other suspicious activities.
41503 Displays all items found during a sweep and lets you delete or restore items.
41504 Allows you to change sweep settings and other options.
41505 Displays all current alerts and lets you respond to alerts.
41506 Displays online help for using the program.
41507 The Check Status link checks the Webroot subscriptiondatabase to see if you have extended or otherwisechanged your subscription.
41600 Displays the Schedule tab, where you can schedule sweeps.
41601 Displays the Sweep tab, where you can set sweep options.
41603 Displays the Shields Summary tab, where you can review the status of all shields.
41604 Displays the Alerts panel, where you can respond to the alert.
41605 Opens your browser and displays the latest news from Webroot.
41606 Displays program version and subscription information.
41607 Lets you change your automatic update options.
41608 Lets you set up or change your custom sweep settings.
41609 Displays the Shields tab, where you can set shield options.
41701 Displays the Sweep tab, where you can set sweep options.
41710 Stops the sweep.
41711 Temporarily stops the sweep, letting you resume the sweep later.
41712 Displays the items found during the sweep and placed in Quarantine.
41720 Right-click an item to select an Always Apply option.
41721 Selects all quarantined items.
41722 Deselects all quarantined items.
41723 Displays information about the last sweep.
41724 Opens your browser and displays more information about the selected item.
41725 Places selected items into Quarantine (a holding area for found items), where you can delete or restore them.
41730 Displays the Home panel.
41731 Displays detailed information that can help Technical Support resolve questions.
41732 Starts a full sweep to detect any additional items.
41740 Opens your browser and loads a page that allows you to download the additional tool.
41741 Displays a summary of sweep results.
41750 Sets the number of Windows sessions you want to keep in the log.
41751 Returns to the %s panel.
41752 Saves the log information to a file.
41753 Deletes all current log information.
41800 Enter the address of the Web page you want as your Internet Explorer home page in the format: http://www.webroot.com
41801 Displays an alert before the program restores your Internet Explorer home page to the address you entered above.
41802 Enter the address of the Web page you want as your Internet Explorer search page in the format: http://www.webroot.com
41803 Displays an alert before the program restores your Internet Explorer search page to the address you entered above.
41804 Select the type of page you want to set for your Windows user account.
41805 Enter the address of the Web page you want for the selected page in the format: http://www.webroot.com
41806 Select the type of page you want to set for all Windows user accounts.
41807 Enter the address of the Web page you want for the selected page in the format: http://www.webroot.com
41808 Displays an alert before the program restores your Internet Explorer pages to the addresses you entered above.
41820 Deletes selected entries, ensuring that you will go to the correct Web site.
41830 Displays more information about the selected item, if available.
41840 Displays more information about the selected item, if available.
42000 Saves your changes and closes the window.
42001 Closes the window without saving your changes.
42101 Selects all quarantined items.
42102 Deselects all quarantined items.
42103 Permanently deletes selected items from your computer.
42104 Moves selected items to their original locations, permitting them to run.
42202 Sweeps your computer's registry, where potential threats can create entries.
42203 Sweeps your computer's random access memory (RAM) where potential threats can load.
42204 Sweeps your computer for known tracking cookies, which can collect and share information about your Web surfing habits.
42205 Sweeps .cab, .rar, and .zip files, which can contain potentially unwanted programs. Your first sweep with this option will take longer, but subsequent sweeps will be faster.
42206 Includes potentially unwanted programs found in your restore points when reporting found items. This lets you remove the potentially unwanted program from the restore point.
42207 Sweeps all user accounts on your computer, making the sweep more thorough.
42208 Searches for strains of malware that hide themselves from the Windows operating system.
42209 Sweeps for items hidden from the operating system. This feature should be used only by advanced users, since it detects items that may not be malicious.
42210 Displays detailed information that can help Technical Support resolve questions.
42211 Move slider to the left to allow other programs more processing power during sweeps (also slows the sweep process).
42212 Sweeps your computer for viruses, as well as for potentially unwanted programs, such as spyware.
42213 Automatically quarantines files that contain viruses and will not list files on the Quarantine panel during the sweep process.
42214 Analyzes executable files not currently running in memory in a protected memory area. This enables advanced detection techniques (may lead to longer scan times).
42220 Starts the Schedule Wizard, where you can configure a scheduled sweep.
42221 Starts the selected scheduled sweep.
42222 Starts the Schedule Wizard, where you can change the selected scheduled sweep.
42223 Deletes the selected scheduled sweep.
42240 Select which items you want displayed in the list below.
42241 Displays additional information about the found item.
42242 Always includes selected items in the Quarantine panel during a sweep, where you decide how to handle each one.
42243 Automatically quarantines selected items, without including them in the Quarantine panel during a sweep.
42244 Automatically ignores selected items, without including them in the Quarantine panel during a sweep.
42245 Removes selected items from the list on this tab, but not from your computer.
42260 Automatically tells you when security definition and program updates are available (recommended).
42261 Automatically downloads and installs security definition updates whenever they are available (recommended).
42262 Goes to the Webroot Web site to see if updates are available.
42280 Adds an option to run a sweep when you right-click a file or folder in Windows Explorer.
42281 Displays a small start-up window while the program is launching.
42282 Displays information about options and buttons when you hold your mouse pointer over them.
42283 Asks you to create a password that you must use when you change program settings.
42284 Starts the program whenever you turn on your computer, ensuring you are always protected (recommended).
42285 Displays a window where you can report any programs or other issues that are suspicious.
42286 Runs the setup wizard.
42290 Actively protect from viruses attempting to infect your computer. Recommendation: For stronger protection against viruses, this option should be checked.
42291 Automatically quarantine viruses found by antivirus shields. Recommendation: For easier handling of viruses found, this option should be checked.
42294 Select where you want to sweep. All internal drives and drives attached to your computer are selected. If you do not want some folders or files included, deselect them by clicking the check box next to each folder or file.
42295 Isolates and examines programs when they start. If a program matches a security definition, an alert opens.
42296 Sweeps programs for viruses when programs start. If a virus is found, an alert opens.
42300 Removes traces of Internet activity. Click Edit to select types of traces to remove or save.
42301 Removes traces of Windows activity. Click Edit to select types of traces to remove or save.
42302 Removes traces from programs that have been installed in Windows. Click Edit to select applications.
42303 Overwrites cleaned files so that undelete utilities can never recover them.
42304 Begins the cleanup process.
42305 Deletes the list of recently visited Web sites, displayed when you click the down arrow on the browser Address field.
42306 Deletes the small files that Web servers store on your computer to track your personal preferences.
42307 Deletes copies of visited Web pages, used to load pages quickly.
42308 Deletes the list of visited Web pages, shown when you click History from the browser.
42309 Deletes the repository of Web addresses, search queries and recently opened files. This file functions like an active database and can only be cleaned on Windows startup.
42310 Deletes logs created when you install IE updates. These logs are not needed after installation.
42311 Deletes the list of recently downloaded files from the Internet.
42312 Deletes the list of recently opened audio and video files, using the IE media player.
42313 Deletes the list of data you previously entered in fields on Web pages. (This feature predicts a word or phrase as you begin typing.)
42314 Empties the Recycle Bin, which stores files deleted in Explorer.
42315 Clears the list of recently opened files, accessible from the Start menu in My Recent Documents.
42316 Clears the list of shortcuts to programs you opened using the Start menu.
42317 Clears the list of commands recently entered in the Run window. (Restart the computer to completely remove the Run history.)
42318 Clears data entered during previous searches. Windows uses this data to predict a new search as you enter characters.
42319 Clears the sorting history for the programs and documents listed in the Start menu.
42320 Deletes data stored during copy/cut functions used from any Windows program.
42321 Empties the contents of the Temp folder, except for files in use. These files are leftovers from applications and are generally not needed.
42322 Empties the contents of the System Temp folder, except for files in use. These files are leftovers from applications and are generally not needed.
42323 Deletes all files and subfolders in this folder, except files in use. These files were previously used for Windows updates and service packs.
42324 Deletes all files and subfolders in this folder, except files in use. These files were previously used for Windows updates.
42325 Clears the contents a Windows XP file used to store bits of programs or files that do not fit into memory.
42326 Clears information about changes made to the Windows registry.
42327 Clears the registry entry that stores the previous name used to log into your computer.
42328 Deletes files used to store information about Windows errors.
42329 Deletes project files used during the Windows XP copy function for moving files to a CD.
42330 Clears the list of recently opened files in Access.
42331 Clears the list of recently opened files in Excel.
42332 Deletes e-mail messages in the Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items folders.
42333 Clears the list of recently opened files in Paint.
42334 Clears the list of recently opened files in PowerPoint.
42335 Clears the list of recently opened files in Word.
42336 Displays a list of installed applications that are not related to Windows or the browser. (Grayed-out applications are not currently installed.)
42400 System Services Shield
42401 Protects against unwanted changes to your service configuration.
42402 File System Shield
42403 Alerts you when a there is an attempt to read or write a file on your computer that could be related to spyware or a virus.
42404 Execution Shield
42405 Alerts you when a potential threat attempts to execute a process on your computer.
42406 Allows you to set alert options when programs try to install using Active X.
42407 Allows you to set alert options when changes to service configuration information are detected.
42408 Allows you to set scan and quarantine options for items detected by the Execution Shield.
42409 Lets you set options for scanning the file system on read and write.
42410 Lets you define options for restoring attachments and configuring port settings.
42411 Protects against unwanted changes to your service configuration information.
42412 Alerts you when a potential threat attempts to read or write a file on your computer.
42413 Always prompts you when detections are made by this shield.
42414 Only prompts you when unsigned services or potential malware are detected by this shield.
42415 Only prompts you when potential malware is detected by this shield.
42416 Scans programs as they attempt to write files to your computer (recommended).
42417 Scans programs as your computer attempts to read them (recommended).
42418 Scans only the file types listed in the dialog box to the right as your computer attempts to read them (recommended).
42419 Scans all file types as your computer attempts to read files.
42420 Adds file extensions to scan list.
42421 Resets list of file extensions to scan back to the original setting.
42422 Automatically puts detected programs into the Quarantine without alerting you (recommended).
42423 Automatically puts viruses detected by this shield into the Quarantine without alerting you. Recommendation: Leave this option checked for easier virus-handling.
42424 Always prompts you for a location to save attachments restored from Quarantine.
42425 Lets you select the location to always save attachments when restored from Quarantine.
42426 Allows you to select the location on your computer to save attachments when restored from Quarantine.
42427 Allows you to configure the POP3 port setting. Default is 110.
42428 Allows you to configure an additional POP3 port setting, if necessary.
42429 Allows you to configure the SMTP port setting. Default is 25.
42430 Allows you to configure an additional SMTP port setting, if necessary.
42431 Keep this option selected if you do not use a proxy server to connect to the Internet.
42432 Lets you use the default Internet Explorer proxy setting for connecting to the Internet.
42433 Lets you use a custom proxy setting for connecting to the Internet.
42434 Lets you set proxy settings for connecting to the Internet, primarily for program updates.
42435 Sweeps all drives attached to your computer.
42436 Sweeps your computer for viruses as well as potentially unwanted programs.
42437 Sweeps your computer's registry.
42438 Sweeps your computer's memory.
42439 Sweeps your computer for tracking cookies.
42440 Sweeps the system restore folder.
42441 Sweeps the registry of every local user account. If turned off, it sweeps only the account that is currently logged in.
42442 Sweeps the contents of compressed files (such as those with a .ZIP extension). Note: If you have a large number of compressed files on your computer, you may experience significantly slower sweep times.
42443 Searches for strains of malware that hide themselves from the Windows operating system.
42444 Sweeps for items hidden from the operating system.
42445 Analyzes executable files not currently running in memory in a protected memory area. This enables advanced detection techniques (may lead to longer scan times).
42446 Detects potential malware based on program characteristics or behaviors.
42447 Behavioral detection is currently available only in %%SS_WITH_AS%%.
42448 Opens the Webroot.com shopping cart, where you can buy more time on your subscription.
42449 Click this link to update and display current subscription information.
42450 System Restore scanning is not available on this Operating System.
42451 Available only in %%SS_WITH_AS%%.
42452 Allows the program to verify your subscription at application startup.
42453 Deletes file extensions you have selected from the scan list.
42454 Temporarily suspends certain program functions that may interfere with games.
42455 Turns Gaming Mode OFF and re-enables all program functionality and protections.
42456 When selected, Execution Shield will be disabled in Gamer Mode.
42457 When selected, Gamer Mode will automatically be turned OFF after the specified amount of time.
42458 Exit dialog and don't enter Gamer Mode.
42459 Exit dialog and enter Gamer Mode.
42460 Webroot Spy Sweeper with AntiVirus
42461 Webroot Spy Sweeper
42462 Lets you back up and restore files.
42463 Lets you set a firewall for filtering Internet and network traffic.
42464 Lets you remove traces of Windows and Internet activity.
42465 Lets you schedule events, such as automatic sweeps.
48200 Cleanup
48201 Cleanup Selection
48202 Edit
48203 Clean Internet items
48204 Clean Windows items
48205 Clean third-party applications
48206 Make cleaned files unrecoverable
48207 Cleaning Progress - Ready to Clean
48208 Cleaning Progress - Cleaning %s
48209 Cleaning Progress - Finished
48210 Start Cleanup
48211 Stop Cleanup
48212 Hide this Message
48213 Cleaning complete!
48214 Cleaning stopped!
48215 Elapsed time:
48216 Space cleared:
48217 View Detailed Log
48218 Cleaning progress: %d
48219 Cleaning %s : %s
48220 Making file unrecoverable: %s
48221 Cleaning Progress - Scanning %s
48222 Scanning %s : %s
48223 file
48224 registry
48225 1 hour,
48226 %d hours,
48227 1 minute
48228 %d minutes
48229 less than 1 minute
48230 Detailed Cleanup Log - %%APP_NAME%%
49017 The program has disabled and removed a known threat running in your computer's memory.
49018 To ensure system stability, we recommend that you restart your computer.
49019 Do you want to restart your computer now?
49024 Detected running threat:
49025 Ignored memory-resident threat:
49026 Removing this may cause the following programs to stop running.
49030 Do you still want to quarantine this item?
49031 You will be provided with detailed information about the operations being performed in this area.
49032 Select an item by clicking on it.
49034 Subscription -- EXPIRED
49035 Your subscription has expired.New security definitions are available for %%APP_NAME%%. Renew your subscription and stay protected from the latest security threats.Hundreds of new malware traces surface every week. Protect your computer against these and other malicious threats with %%APP_NAME%%.
49044 " Frequent security definition updates " Enhanced proactive protection " Premier Technical Support " Free software upgrades and updates " Ongoing spyware, adware and virus education
49045 The connection to the program engine has been lost or terminated.The program will now close and restart.If you experience any problems, please contact Webroot support at %s.
49046 The program needs to restart Windows to completely remove some found items.
49048 Windows is running in Safe Mode.
49049 The program requires a higher screen resolution than you are currently using.
49050 Continue and run the diagnostic version of %%APP_NAME%%?
49051 This is the diagnostic version of %%APP_NAME%%.
49052 It provides access to the basic features, allowing you to sweep for and remove threats, handle any threats being held in quarantine, and change the program's configuration settings.
49053 It does not have many of the advanced features of %%APP_NAME%%, such as the real-time protective shields.
49054 We recommend that you use this diagnostic version only when operating in Windows Safe Mode or when directed to do so by a Webroot Customer Support representative.
49055 Safe Mode
49061 The service for %%APP_NAME%% has been disabled and cannot be restarted. Please reinstall the product.
49100 Buy Now
49102 Renew Now
49105 Download Full Definitions
49106 Reset 'Don't Show' Setting
49107 Reset Application
49108 Reset KS List
49109 Reset Settings
49110 Turn SPS Off
49111 Turn SPS On
49200 Your subscription will expire in %s days.
49201 Your subscription expires TODAY.
49202 Your subscription has expired. Your PC is at risk.
49203 %s days remaining in trial
49204 Your trial expires TODAY.
49205 Your trial has expired. Your PC is at risk.
49401 AOL Instant Messenger Downloaded Files
49402 AOL Instant Messenger Recent Screen Names
49403 AOL Address Bar (History)
49404 AOL Temporary Internet Files
49405 ICQ Bookmarks
49406 ICQ Browser Cache
49407 ICQ Contact Lists
49408 ICQ Log Files
49409 ICQ Received Files
49410 ICQ Recent Chat History
49411 IE AutoComplete Form Data
49412 IE Address Bar (History)
49413 IE Cache (TIF)
49414 IE Cookies
49415 IE Downloaded Folder Memory
49416 IE History (Visited Sites)
49417 IE Media Bar (Player)
49418 IE Setup Log
49419 Microsoft Access
49420 Microsoft Excel
49421 Microsoft Outlook
49422 Microsoft Photo Editor
49423 Microsoft PowerPoint
49424 Microsoft Word
49425 MSN Messenger Chat Log
49426 MSN Messenger Received Files
49427 Netscape AutoComplete Form Data
49428 Netscape Location Bar (History)
49429 Netscape Cookies
49430 Netscape History (Visited Sites)
49431 Netscape Mail Trash
49432 Netscape Disk Cache
49433 Netscape Preferences
49434 Outlook Express Deleted Items
49435 Outlook Express Inbox
49436 Outlook Express Log Files
49437 Outlook Express Outbox
49438 Outlook Express Sent Items
49439 Start Menu Click History
49440 Start Menu Order History
49441 Windows Application Debug Log
49442 Windows CD Burning Storage Folder
49443 Windows Clipboard
49444 Windows Common Dialog History
49445 Windows Default Logon User Name
49446 Windows Direct3D Recent Application
49447 Windows DirectDraw Recent Application
49448 Windows DirectInput Recent Application
49449 Windows Disk Error Checking Temp Files
49450 Windows Document History
49451 Windows Memory Dump File
49452 Windows Microsoft Paint MRU
49453 Windows MSDownload Folder
49454 Windows Media Player
49455 Windows Network MRU
49456 Windows Printer MRU
49457 Windows Recent Regedit Actions
49458 Windows Recycle Bin
49459 Windows Registry Streams
49460 Windows Run History
49461 Windows Search History
49462 Windows Temporary Files
49463 Windows Update Temporary Files
49464 Windows Directory Temporary Folder
49465 Windows Wordpad MRU
49466 Yahoo Pager Settings
49467 Yahoo Reset Profiles
49468 Yahoo Temporary Internet Files
49469 Mozilla Firefox Form Data
49470 Mozilla Firefox Internet Cache
49471 Mozilla Firefox Cookies
49472 Mozilla Firefox URL History
49473 Mozilla AutoComplete Form Data
49474 Mozilla Location Bar (History)
49475 Mozilla Cookies
49476 Mozilla History (Visited Sites)
49477 Mozilla Disk Cache
49478 Mozilla Preferences
49500 Sweep Time
49501 Important Notice Regarding Sweep Time
49502 Sweeping compressed files may cause your next sweep to take more time.
49503 Sweeping for viruses is a thorough process that takes more time than searching solely for potentially unwanted programs, such as spyware.
49504 Detailed Information About Sweep Time
49550 Potential Software Conflicts
49551 The program has found other software which may cause conflicts.
49552 The following software on this computer may conflict with %%APP_NAME%%:%s
49553 Some antivirus software may conflict with %%APP_NAME%% and cause system instability. We recommend that you uninstall or disable the software above to avoid conflicts.
49554 How to Uninstall Software
49560 The program needs to download antivirus definitions.
49561 The program needs antivirus definitions to protect you from the latest viruses. Your antivirus protection will not be active until you download antivirus definitions.Be sure that you are connected to the Internet before clicking Download Now.
49562 Download Now
49563 Download Later
49564 Download Antivirus Definitions
49565 Webroot Software, Inc.
49566 File extension format should be .mp3 or similar. Extensions may not contain special characters (/, \, , :, ;, *, ?, ", <, >, |).Start each entry with a period and separate multiple entries with a comma or semicolon.
49600 Critical Network Shields
49601 S&tartup Programs Shield Options...
49602 Startup Programs Shield Options
49603 Alert me only for &suspected spyware and virus changes to startup items
49604 &Alert me for all startup item changes
49605 A&ctiveX Shield Options...
49606 ActiveX Shield
49607 &Prompt me only for known spyware items
49608 ActiveX Shield Options
49610 Execution Shield
49611 Execution Shield Options
49612 E&xecution
49613 Sys&tem Services
49614 &File System
49615 System Ser&vices Shield Options...
49616 Execution Shield &Options...
49617 F&ile System Shield Options...
49618 System Services Shield Options
49619 System Services Shield
49620 The System Services Shield protects against unwanted changes to your service configuration information.
49621 H&ighest Security
49622 High &Security
49623 &Moderate Security - Prompts only for detections of potential malware (recommended)
49624 This shield will alert you each time it detects an item.
49625 The program will alert you on all detections of unsigned services or potential malware, allowing signed services.
49626 The program will alert you on detections of potential malware, allowing all other service configuration changes.
49630 File System Shield Options
49631 File System Shield
49632 Scan on &Write
49633 Scan on &Read
49634 Scan only &selected file types on read
49635 Conduct &full on-read scanning
49636 &Add to Extensions to Scan
49637 separate multiple with commas
49638 &Delete Selected
49639 Reset &List to Default
49640 Automatically &quarantine programs detected by this shield
49641 Automatically quarantine &viruses detected by this shield
49643 E-mai&l Attachments*
49645 &E-mail Attachments Shield Options...
49646 *For POP3 and SMTP email programs
49647 Behavioral Detection
49648 Behavioral detection is currently available only in %%APP_NAME%%.
49649 Activate detection of potential malware based on program characteristics or behaviors.
49668 Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP), the company that provides your home Internet access, for these settings. E-mail clients using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are not supported.
49669 E-mail Attachments Shield Options
49670 Automatically put malware detected by behavioral detection into Quarantine without alerts.
49671 Enter a file extension (such as .mp3 or .wma). Separate multiple entries with a comma or semicolon.
49672 Virus Sweep is currently only available in %%SSAV_PRODUCT_NAME%%.
49673 A potentially unwanted program is attempting to access the file system.
49674 %s is attempting to access the file system.
49675 Invalid port number, port number must be between 1 and 65535.
49700 Activate Security Definition Updates
49701 Please Register for Full Protection
49702 Your Sony computer comes with %%APP_NAME%% and 90 days of available free definition updates. %%APP_NAME%% is activated and protecting your computer.\n\nTo Enable your 90 days of free definition updates and protect your computer against emerging threats, please register by entering your e-mail address below.
49703 E-Mail Address:
49704 Confirm E-Mail Address:
49705 Register Now
49706 Register Later
49707 Review the trial license agreement
49708 Review the Webroot Privacy Policy
49709 %%APP_NAME%% - Registration Confirmed
49710 Thank you for registering
49711 As part of your 90-day trial subscription, you will receive:
49712 Superior spyware and virus protection
49713 Complete removal of malicious programs
49714 Daily security definition updates
49715 Unlimited access to customer support
49716 Subscribe at any time to ensure your computer continues to stay protected from spyware and viruses when your trial period ends.\n\nYou can extend your subscription at any time directly from the software. Just look for the Subscribe Now button in the right-hand corner of the screen.
49719 IE Hijack (Critical Shield)
49720 Internet Communication (Critical Shield)
49721 File System (Critical Shield)
49722 Settings
49723 Execution (Critical Shield)
49724 Service Name:
49725 Service Key:
49726 Process:
49727 " Superior protection against viruses, spyware, hackers and data theft\n " Automatic protection and secure online backup of your most important files\n " Ability to permanently delete unwanted files and folders for ultimate privacy\n " Free software updates\n " Free customer support\n\nAct now to guarantee your online protection and secure your personal files.
49728 " Detect and remove spyware, viruses, adware, Trojans and more\n " Provide secure online backup for your files\n " Block new threats before they infect\n " Discover dangerous programs buried deep in your PC\n " Permanently delete unwanted files and folders for ultimate privacy and improved PC\n performance
49800 %%APP_NAME%% Subscription -- Expires Soon
49801 %%APP_NAME%% Subscription -- Expires Soon
49802 Renew your %%APP_NAME%% subscription today and continue to receive:\n\n
49803 Renew your %%APP_NAME%% subscription today and continue to receive:\n\n
49804 " Ongoing defense definition updates\n " Automatic protection and secure online backup of your most important files\n " Free software updates\n " Free customer support\n " Top-rated protection from security experts\n\nAct now to guarantee your online protection and secure your personal files.
49805 Renew your subscription today to stay protected from the newest Internet threats and to continue automatic backups of your most valuable files.\n\n
49806 Trust %%APP_NAME%% to:\n\n
49807 Trust %%APP_NAME%% to:\n\n
49808 " Detect and remove all types of threats\n " Provide secure online backup for your files\n " Block new threats before they infect\n " Discover dangerous programs buried deep in your PC
49809 Don t let your threat protection and online backup services expire. Renew today and rest assured that you're protected against new threats and you can continue to backup your most valuable files.
49810 Subscription Expired
49811 Your subscription has expired. Your computer is not protected from new and emerging threats. While you can still access your backed up files for another 30 days, you will not be able to back up new files.\n\nA current %%APP_NAME%% subscription ensures real-time protection from these rapidly evolving threats. Without it, your computer is exposed to infection.\n\nTo protect your computer now, click the "Renew Now" button to renew your subscription.
49812 Threats removed to date:
49813 Your subscription expired on:
49814 New threats that have emerged since expiration:
49815 * You are not protected against these threats
49816 Renew Now
49817 Renew Later
49818 Renewing Your Subscription?
49819 If you are renewing your subscription, it may take up to 30 minutes for us to update your license information.\n\n
49820 After 30 minutes, the program will check your license status to see if you have renewed.
49821 After 30 minutes, the program will check your license status to see if you have renewed.
49822 Definition Updates
49823 Definitions Last Updated
49825 Be sure to renew your subscription before it expires to avoid any exposure to emerging threats.
49826 Potential Threats Blocked by Shields
49827 Potential Threats Detected in Sweeps
49828 Subscription Valid Until
49829 About auto-quarantining with this shield (Help)
49830 About Auto-Quarantine
49831 Windows Security Center may alert you that antivirus protection is off.
49832 Please Register
49833 Please register %%APP_NAME%% to get free program updates and customer support.\n\n
49834 Please register %%APP_NAME%% to get free program updates and customer support.\n\n
49835 Benefits of registering include:\n\n " Free access to world class technical support\n " Free access to enhancements, new releases and updates\n " Discounts on renewals\n " Up-to-the-minute defense updates to stop new threats
49836 Register Now
49837 Register Later
49838 Your License has been Updated
49839 %%APP_NAME%% has been updated due to a change in your license status.
49840 %%APP_NAME%% has been updated due to a change in your license status.
49841 Loading...
49842 &Cancel
49843 &Cancel
49844 If you are purchasing a new subscription, it takes up to 30 minutes for us to update your license information.\n\n
49845 After 30 minutes, the program will automatically check your license status to see if your purchase is complete and will extend your license accordingly.
49846 Buying %%APP_NAME%%?
49847 Username
49848 Password
49849 Enable Self Protection
49850 Virus definitions updated as of %s, AV Engine Version: %s, SDK Version: %s
49851 Spy definitions updated to version %s
49852 View Update Log
49853 Webroot Update Log
49854 %%APP_NAME%% has encountered an unexpected error. SpySweeper is creating a report that you can send to Webroot Software in order to facilitate finding a solution.
49855 Report Potential Threat
49856 Please wait while %%APP_NAME%% generates the report data.
49857 Generating report...
49858 Your e-mail address
49860 Webroot Software may contact me via e-mail for additional information.
49861 Finish
49862 Status: Ready to send report
49863 Status: Sending data (%s of %s)
49864 Status: Report sent
49865 Thank you for sending this information. Your assistance is appreciated. The information you provide helps Webroot Software identify new threats and create solutions for better products.
49866 To report potential spyware or viruses to Webroot Software's Threat Detection team, fill out the form below and click Send Report.
49867 In addition to any comments above, %%APP_NAME%% will send a data log containing information about your computer that may include installed software, running programs, Windows errors, etc.
49868 Select report configuration file
49869 An error has occurred in attempting to send a file to Webroot. Please click 'Send Report' to try again or Cancel.
49870 Unable to generate report.
49871 Please enter a valid email address if you want to allow Webroot Software to contact you.
49873 Please enter a smaller comment. Comments cannot be more than %d characters in length.
49874 Contacting Webroot, please wait...
49875 Scanning files...
49876 Done scanning files.
49877 Scanning registry...
49878 Done scanning registry.
49879 Scanning processes...
49880 Done scanning processes.
49881 Invalid configuration file provided - reverting to default configuration. Please press Shift-Alt-Ctrl-M again to select a valid custom configuration file to generate a custom report.
49882 Don t let your threat protection expire. Renew today and rest assured that you're protected against new threats.
49883 " Ongoing defense definition updates\n " Free software updates\n " Free customer support\n " Top-rated protection from security experts\n\nAct now to guarantee your online protection.
49884 Renew your subscription today to stay protected from the newest Internet threats.\n\n
49885 " Detect and remove all types of threats\n " Block new threats before they infect\n " Discover dangerous programs buried deep in your PC
49886 Your subscription has expired. Your computer is not protected from new and emerging threats.\n\nA current %%APP_NAME%% subscription ensures real-time protection from these rapidly evolving threats. Without it, your computer is exposed to infection.\n\nTo protect your computer now, click the "Renew Now" button to renew your subscription.
49911 %%APP_NAME%% is checking for upgrades to your subscription. It will take several minutes to update your license information.\n\n
49912 &Turn Execution Shield OFF when entering Gamer Mode
49913 Gamer Mode Options
49914 Automatically turn &Gamer Mode OFF after
49915 hour(s).
49916 %%APP_NAME%% - Gamer Mode
49917 Important Information About Gamer Mode
49918 Gamer Mode will temporarily prevent the program from interrupting games by turning off most of the shields and all of the alerts. This makes running in Gamer Mode less secure than normal.
49919 Don't show me this message again
49920 Gamer Mode will automatically turn off after %d hours. To change this setting, click on Options then select the Shields tab.
49921 Gamer Mode will automatically turn off after %d hour. To change this setting, click on Options then select the Shields tab.
49922 Error downloading or applying updated definitions.
49923 Gamer Mode
49924 Turn Gamer Mode On
49925 Turn Gamer Mode Off
49926 [Gamer Mode On]
49927 Subscription Expires:
49928 Renewal Date:
49929 Active Subscription
49930 Need to Activate Subscription
49931 Contact Now
49932 Contact Later
49933 Billing Issue
49934 There was a problem authorizing your payment. Please contact us as soon as possible to ensure your continued protection from the latest threats.
49935 Subscription expires on
49937 Support Controls
49938 Options for support troubleshooting
49984 &Close
49985 Ma&ximize
49986 Mi&nimize
49987 &Restore
49989 This version of %%APP_NAME%% is not compatible with Windows Vista operating system.
49990 The program has detected that this computer is running the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system. Please contact Webroot Customer Support for information on how to obtain a version of %%APP_NAME%% that is compatible with Windows Vista.
50100 Add Site
50101 Edit Site
50102 Single Computer
50103 Network
50104 URL
50105 IP Address
50106 Network Mask
50107 Host Name
50108 Trusted/Untrusted Local Network Sites
50109 Trusted Network
50110 Untrusted Network
50111 Add
50112 Edit
50113 Remove
50114 OK
50115 Cancel
50116 URL/IP Address
50117 Net Mask
50118 Firewall
50119 &Main
50120 &Applications
50121 &Reports
50122 &Training Mode
50123 About Traffic and Profiles Selection
50124 Network Traffic Handling
50125 Network traffic:
50126 Profile Selection
50127 Location profile:
50128 Edit Profile Settings
50129 About Application Handling
50130 Application Handling
50131 Add Application
50132 Remove Application
50133 Trusted Publishers
50134 About Reports
50135 Firewall Report
50136 This report tracks information packets coming into and going out of this computer.
50137 Real-Time Report
50138 View HTML Report
50139 Port Tracking Report
50140 This report tracks the status of all system ports.
50141 Trusted/Untrusted Internet Sites
50143 About Training Mode
50144 Firewall and Process Monitor
50145 Enable Training Mode
50146 Training period:
50147 Email Anomaly Detection
50148 Enable Detection
50149 Training Statistics
50150 Sensitivity:
50151 Block All Outbound Email
50152 System Anomaly Detection
50154 Allow All Traffic
50155 Block All Traffic
50156 Filter Traffic (recommended)
50157 Home
50158 Office
50159 Remote
50160 1 day
50161 3 days
50162 7 days
50163 14 days
50164 10%
50165 20%
50166 30%
50167 40%
50168 50%
50169 60%
50170 70%
50171 80%
50172 90%
50173 Application
50174 Executable
50175 Version
50176 Mode
50177 Home Profile Settings
50178 Office Profile Settings
50179 Remote Profile Settings
50180 Webroot Internet Security Essentials
50181 Trusted Sites/IP Addresses
50182 Trusted Sites
50183 Untrusted Sites
50184 Security Zones
50185 Untrusted Sites/IP Addresses
50186 Reset All Profile Settings
50187 High (default)
50188 Low
50189 High
50190 Low (default)
50191 High Internet Security is the safest way to access the internet. It is appropriate for web sites which may have harmful content.
50192 Low local network security is recommended if the network is secure and frequent file sharing is required. Shared drives and printers are accessible within the local network (make sure your local network IP Address/Netmask is listed by clicking the 'Local Network Sites' link below).
50193 Internet Network Security
50194 Local Network Security
50195 |<
50196 <<
50197 >>
50198 >|
50199 Page
50200 Firewall Log
50201 Date/Time
50202 Local IP Address
50203 Remote IP Address
50204 Protocol
50205 Application
50206 Allowed Parent
50207 Yes
50208 No
50209 Block
50210 Allow
50211 Filter
50212 ALLOW Traffic
50213 FILTER Traffic
50214 BLOCK Traffic
50215 Remove application...
50216 Add new application...
50217 Restore default applications
50218 Email Anomaly Training Statistics
50219 Training Days Completed:
50220 Total Emails Sent:
50221 Total Email Recipients:
50222 Log Export
50223 Exporting log data to file...
50224 2 days
50225 4 days
50226 5 days
50227 6 days
50228 8 days
50299 Scheduled Events
50300 Overview
50301 Welcome to the %%APP_NAME%% Setup Wizard!
50302 This setup wizard helps you start using %%APP_NAME%% and guides you through the following tasks:
50303 Setup Wizard
50304 If you want to run this setup wizard in the future, go to %%APP_NAME%% main window, select the Options icon, select the Program tab, then click Run Setup Wizard.
50305 Security Sweep
50306 Security Sweep
50307 For your safety, %%APP_NAME%% is scanning for spyware and other potentially unwanted programs in memory.*
50308 This scan should only take a few minutes...
50309 Scan Complete
50310 Scanning...
50311 Quarantining Items Found...
50312 * Any items found will automatically be moved to quarantine, where they cannot harm your computer. To view quarantined items, open the Webroot program and click the Manage Quarantine link from the Home page.
50313 WARN Program
50314 Webroot Software's WARN Program
50315 Webroot Automated Research Network (WARN) is a global community of individuals and businesses who provide Webroot Software with sample items detected on their computers to help us identify and fight emerging threats. When you join WARN, the software gathers information during sweeps and shielding activities, including spyware, viruses and potential threats that are not yet classified, then sends the data to Webroot Software. The software does not gather personal information. Your participation is completely anonymous.
50316 View Webroot Software Privacy Policy
50317 &Yes, I want to join the WARN community and help fight security threats
50318 N&o, I do not want to participate
50319 Online Backup
50320 Backup Account
50321 %%APP_NAME%% has detected the following backup account. Please enter the password to access this account.
50322 Click Finish to complete the setup guide. You will then be taken to Webroot Software s web site to create your backup account. Note: In order to use the local backup features of this software, you will need to create a backup account.
50323 Online Backup
50324 %%APP_NAME%% includes online backup to protect your digital photos and other files. You can select folders and files to backup once your account is set up.Initially your account comes with %s GB of FREE online storage to get started. If you need more space, you can purchase it after you create and set up your account.
50325 Username:
50326 Password:
50327 Confirm password:
50328 Security question:
50329 Secret answer:
50330 Picking a Username
50331 Password Rules
50332 Security Question
50333 Forgot Password?
50334 Username must be 3 to 50 characters long
50335 Username contains invalid characters
50336 Passwords don't match
50337 Passwords must be 6 to 20 characters long
50338 Password contains invalid characters
50339 Secret answer must be 2 to 100 characters long
50340 Secret answer contains invalid characters
50341 Secret answer is invalid (see the rules)
50342 Create Backup Set
50343 Create Online Backup Set for %s
50344 Scheduled Events
50345 Webroot recommends that you set a schedule that sweeps for spyware and potential threats on a weekly basis, normally at a time when you are away from your computer, but the computer is turned on.
50346 You can schedule weekly cleanups that remove traces of your Windows and Internet activity. Be sure to review the cleanup settings first by clicking the Cleanup button in the %%APP_NAME%% main window.
50347 Firewall
50348 Firewall
50349 The firewall protects you by asking you what to do when unfamiliar software attempts to access the Internet (a sample alert is illustrated here).
50350 This software is pre-configured to allow Internet access for certain trusted applications and publishers. To help ensure that it doesn t block programs that you use and to minimize the number of alerts, the software is set to training mode for the first week so that it can learn which programs should have Internet access.
50351 Finished
50352 Setup Complete
50353 %%APP_NAME%% has been configured and is ready for use. If you completed all the steps, most things should be taken care of automatically. If there are any issues that need your attention, %%APP_NAME%% will alert you to ask for direction.
50354 *If you need to run this setup guide again in the future, open %%APP_NAME%% and click Options, then select the Program tab.
50355 Pick a password
50356 Password is a single word containing letters of English alphabet A to Z, or a to z, decimal digits 0 to 9, or any of the following symbols: ! @ # $ %% ^ & * ( ). Spaces are not allowed in a password. Length of the password must be between 6 and 20 characters long.
50357 Pick a username
50358 Username is a single word containing letters of English alphabet A to Z, or a to z, decimal digits 0 to 9, a dot, an underscore, @-sign, or a dash. Length: 3 to 50 characters.
50359 Pick a secret question/answer
50360 Please select the secret question, so that if you forget your account password, we will be able to assist you. Secret answer must be a single word 2 to 100 chars long, with the following formatting: First symbol: letters of English alphabet A to Z, or a to z; Second symbol: letters of English alphabet A to Z, or a to z, or decimal digits 0 to 9; The rest of symbols: letters of English alphabet A to Z, or a to z, or decimal digits 0 to 9, or underscore
50361 " Security Sweep: When you click the Next button below, %%APP_NAME%% starts scanning for any spyware programs or other potential threats that may be running in your computer s memory.\n\n" WARN Program: You can help Webroot fight emerging threats by joining the WARN program and sharing sweep results with us.\n\n" Scheduled Events: Create a schedule for automatic sweeps and other tasks, so you never need to run them manually.\n\n" Online Backup: Create and set up a backup account.
50362 " Security Sweep: When you click the Next button below, %%APP_NAME%% starts scanning for any spyware programs or other potential threats that may be running in your computer s memory.\n\n" WARN Program: You can help Webroot fight emerging threats by joining the WARN program and sharing sweep results with us.\n\n" Scheduled Events: Create a schedule for automatic sweeps and other tasks, so you never need to run them manually.\n\n" Online Backup: Create and set up a backup account.
50363 " Security Sweep: When you click the Next button below, %%APP_NAME%% starts scanning for any spyware programs or other potential threats that may be running in your computer s memory.\n\n" WARN Program: You can help Webroot fight emerging threats by joining the WARN program and sharing sweep results with us.\n\n" Scheduled Events: Create a schedule for automatic sweeps and other tasks, so you never need to run them manually.
50364 &Save password
50365 No spyware or viruses were found running in memory.
50366 No spyware was found running in memory.
50367 %d item(s) were found and were moved into quarantine where they cannot harm your computer.
50368 Memory Sweep Status: 1 item found
50369 Memory Sweep Status: %d items found
50370 &Desktop
50371 Fa&vorites
50372 My D&ocuments
50373 My &Pictures
50374 Selected for backup:
50375 No Active Backup Account
50376 %%APP_NAME%% includes %s GB of online backup storage. To use online backup, you will need to create a backup account.
50377 Create a Backup Account
50378 Create a Backup Account Now
50380 Scanning:
50390 &Turn on Training Mode for Firewall
50391 Automatically c&lean my computer Thursdays at:
50392 Automatically &sweep my computer Fridays at:
50450 Unspecified Backup Error
50451 User not authenticated
50452 User cancelled
50453 General error
50454 Invalid input parameters
50455 Unknown response from server
50456 Login failed
50457 User account not found
50458 Incorrect user password
50459 Online Backup is already in progress
50460 Cannot delete temporary files
50461 sosuploadagent.exe not found
50462 Local backup task with the specified name was not found
50463 There is no such error code
50464 This backup set is being used by another process
50465 Specified folder does not exist
50466 Specified file does not exist
50467 User does not have permissions to access the file (file access denied)
50468 User does not have permissions to access the folder (folder access denied)
50469 No backups were performed for this account
50470 Error in configuration
50471 Unable to create schedule
50472 Schedule type not supported in windows scheduler
50473 Schedule task does not exist in windows scheduler
50474 Refresh Recovery Data never has been successful
50475 Login has been disabled
50476 Login expired
50477 Wrong login name and/or password
50478 No Internet connection
50479 Server error during login
50480 Account creation failed
50481 Soap authentication credentials are invalid
50482 License Key is not supplied
50483 There is no trial backup plan found for the given CT Code
50484 An unexpected error occurred while finding whether the given backup plan is a trial plan or not
50485 An unexpected error occurred while getting the backup plan for the given payment plan id
50486 An attempt to get backup plan for the given payment plan id failed
50487 An unexpected error occurred while getting the client details for the given client id
50488 An attempt to get backup plan for the given payment plan id failed
50489 An attempt to read the backup plan failed
50490 An unexpected error occurred while getting the backup plans
50491 An unexpected error occurred while finding out whether the username is already found on infiniscle server or not
50492 Username already found on InfiniScale server
50493 Backup server id not found
50494 An unexpected error occurred while getting backup server id
50495 An unexpected error occurred while creating an account
50496 Account creation failed
50497 An unexpected error occurred while getting entity id
50498 An error occurred while sending email
50499 An unexpected error occurred while getting the provider type id
50500 An unexpected error occurred while getting current biller entity id
50501 Insert into UserBackupPlan failed
50502 An unexpected error occurred while inserting into UserBackupPlan
50503 An unexpected error occurred while inserting into UserAccount
50504 Insert into UserCustomerType failed
50505 An unexpected error occurred while inserting into UserCustomerType
50506 Insert into UserProvider failed
50507 An unexpected error occurred while inserting into UserProvider
50508 Insert into UserBiller failed
50509 An unexpected error occurred while inserting into UserBiller
50510 Addition of user details successfully completed
50511 An unexpected error occurred while assigning values to new user object properties
50512 An unexpected error occurred while adding user backup plan details
50513 Username not found on InfiniScale server
50514 Username not found on backup server
50515 The given password is invalid
50516 An unexpected error occurred while getting the current/original backup plan
50517 An unexpected error occurred while getting the backup plans higher than the current backup plan
50518 User account is already cancelled
50519 An unexpected error occurred while getting the user account process status
50520 An unexpected error occurred while getting the merchant account for the given currency code
50521 An unexpected error occurred while getting the current backup plan for the given username
50522 An unexpected error occurred while getting the pro-rated upgrade charge
50523 Account upgraded successfully
50524 Username not found
50525 User account process status is Pending.
50526 Backup server not found
50527 Backup server status is not active (cannot create new accounts or cannot allocate space for upgrades, can only be used for recovery)
50528 Backup server status is active, but the disk free space is insufficient for the upgrade
50529 Backup server status is active, Server is Active but no Space to Upgrade
50530 An undefined error occurred while upgrading
50531 An unexpected error occurred while getting the backup server name for the given username
50532 An unexpected error occurred while adding event log
50533 An unexpected error occurred while getting the administrator email
50534 An unexpected error occurred while sending upgrade event log error email notification
50535 Insert into UserBackupPlan failed
50536 Update of UserBackupPlan failed
50537 Update of CustomerType failed
50538 Account upgrade failed
50539 Profile not modified for the user
50540 Transfer is Pending for the user
50541 Account cancelled for the User
50542 Account is not cancelled for the User
50543 An unexpected error occurred while getting the current/original backup plan by payment plan id
50544 An unexpected error occurred while getting the account limit for the given customer type code
50545 Account Limit is reached for the given License Key
50546 An unexpected error occurred while inserting into UserProductType
50547 An unexpected error occurred while finding out whether license key integration required or not
50548 An unexpected error occurred while getting the first name and email id for the given username
50549 An unexpected error occurred while getting the customer type code
50550 Backup Instance Not Initialized
50551 Ole Error
50552 Backup Interface Error
50555 %%APP_NAME%% Backup
50556 Status:
50557 Not logged in
50558 Login to Account
50559 Inactive (.NET not installed)
50560 Install .NET
50561 No backup account detected
50562 Activate Account
50563 [local]
50564 details
50565 Active User Account
50566 Currently using:
50567 Switch User Account
50568 Backup Sets
50569 Backup set:
50570 Edit
50571 Delete
50572 New backup set:
50573 Add Local Backup Set
50574 Online Backup Set
50575 Select the user account you wish to use with %%APP_NAME%%.
50576 Password Required
50577 In order to perform the backup or restoration action for this account, you need to enter the account password.
50578 Incorrect Password
50579 The password provided does not match the password for this account. If it has been changed, you must enter the new password in order to continue.
50580 Online Backup Web Access
50581 Remove from List
50582 Login Failed
50583 Login to backup account failed due to error: %s
50585 Select a different backup account, if one has been defined previously.
50586 Begins copying files, as determined by the backup set.
50587 Opens a wizard for restoring files.
50588 Opens a wizard for changing the backup set, which specifies how and when you want to back up files.
50589 Removes a selected backup set.
50590 Opens a wizard for defining how and when you want files backed up to a local drive.
50600 9 days
50601 10 days
50602 11 days
50603 12 days
50604 13 days
50605 Firewall Alert
50606 Process monitor has intercepted application communication
50607 The application
50608 is attempting interprocess communication. Do you want to allow this action to occur?
50609 Click 'Allow' to allow this action to occur. Click 'Block' to prevent this action from occurring
50610 Firewall has blocked an SMTP message.
50611 System Monitor has detected unusual activity.
50612 Email monitor has detected unusual activity.
50613 Firewall has detected an XMAS scan.
50614 Firewall has detected an FIN scan.
50615 Firewall has detected an NULL scan.
50616 Reboot Required
50617 A system reboot is required.
50618 The license changes you have made to the application require a reboot to take effect. Do you wish to reboot now?
50619 If you decide not to reboot, some parts of the application may not be fully functional and you may not be fully protected.
50620 Do not reboot
50621 Reboot now
50622 About Traffic and Profile Selection
50623 Network traffic handling tells the firewall how to handle network and Internet traffic. Filtering traffic provides the best protection while using the Internet. Profile selection helps you quickly switch the security level of the firewall whenever you are away from your own, trusted network and Internet connection (for example, using a public wi-fi connection).
50624 About Application Handling
50625 This is a list of applications (programs) that have attempted to access the Internet. The firewall applies rules to each application that determine whether to allow or deny Internet access.
50626 About Reports
50627 The firewall logs record incoming and outgoing network and Internet traffic. You can view these activities real-time or as an HTML report that you can view in any web browser.
50628 About Training Mode
50629 Training mode enables the firewall to observe normal Internet use quietly for several days, without asking your permission for every application that tries to access the Internet. The firewall uses this time to analyze your use of programs to determine which programs are OK to access the Internet. You should sweep your computer for spyware, viruses and other potentially unwanted programs before enabling training mode.
50630 Allows you to adjust this profile s security level for Internet and local network security and add lists of trusted and untrusted sites.
50631 Allows you to browse for executable files and add an application to the list.
50632 Removes an application selected in the list.
50633 Shows current traffic activity detected by the firewall.
50634 Captures the latest traffic activity and opens the data in your browser.
50635 Shows current port activity detected by the firewall.
50636 Captures the latest port activity and opens the data in your browser.
50637 Analyzes normal traffic activity, so the firewall can later determine deviations.
50638 Sets the time frame for analyzing traffic.
50639 Monitors outbound e-mail delivery behavior.
50640 Enables the training mode and time frame for analyzing normal outbound e-mail delivery.
50641 Shows training days completed, total e-mails sent, and total e-mail recipients.
50642 Uncheck this box after an e-mail anomaly alert and you determine the activity to be safe.
50643 Monitors the computer s running processes.
50644 Enables the training mode and time frame for running processes.
50645 Adjusts the sensitivity of deviations that trigger alerts. A small percentage increases alerts; a large percentage reduces alerts.
50646 Shows activities related to the CPU and threads for each running application or process.
50647 Enable Process Monitor
50648 Monitors interprocess communication and detects new running processes.
50649 Uninstall Firewall Drivers
50650 Install Firewall Drivers
50651 Port Tracking Report
50652 System Anomaly Training Statistics
50653 Training From
50654 CPU M1 Average(Max)
50655 CPU M5 Average(Max)
50656 CPU M15 Average(Max)
50657 Threads M1 Average(Max)
50658 Threads M5 Average(Max)
50659 Threads M15 Average(Max)
50660 Intervals
50661 PID
50662 Protocol
50663 Local IP
50664 Status
50665 Firewall Report
50666 The connection to the consumer service could not be established. If you experience any problems, please contact Webroot support at %s.
50667 The firewall has detected that an application is attempting to access the network.
50668 The application
50669 is attempting communication. Do you want to allow future operations of this application to access the network?
50670 Click 'Allow' to allow future communication from this process. Click 'Block' to prevent this application from accessing the network.
50671 Firewall has detected interprocess communication by %s. This operation was allowed because your subscription is inactive. Activate your subscription to get full functionality.
50672 Firewall has detected that %s is trying to access the network. This operation was allowed because your subscription is inactive. Activate your subscription to get full functionality.
50673 Trusted Publishers
50674 Publisher Name
50675 List of publishers that are automatically allowed
50676 Error adding trusted publisher
50677 The file selected does not contain a verifiable publisher.
50678 The firewall has detected an unauthorized parent application.
50679 is the parent of a process that is communicating. Do you want this process to be an 'Allowed Parent?'
50680 Click 'Allow' to allow this app to be a parent. Click 'Block' to prevent this application from being a parent.
51100 Firewall is changed to inactive state.
51101 Firewall is changed to allowing all traffic state.
51102 Firewall is changed to blocking all traffic state.
51103 Firewall is changed to filtering traffic state.
51104 Firewall is changed to passing through state.
51105 Sends request to change firewall to be allowing all traffic state.
51106 Sends request to change firewall to be blocking all traffic state.
51107 Sends request to change firewall to be filtering traffic state.
60300 Scheduled Events
60301 Description
60302 Next Event
60401 Last Event: %LASTSWTIME%
60402 Next Event: %NEXTSWTIME%
60403 Edit This Event
60404 Delete This Event
60405 Run This Event Now
60410 Add Events
60411 Add a scheduled sweep
60412 Add a scheduled cleanup
60413 Add a scheduled online backup
60414 Add a scheduled local backup
60415 Online Backup
60416 Local Backup
60420 Add...
60430 Webroot Security
60431 Webroot Internet Security Essentials
60440 Backup
60441 Restore
60442 Backup Settings
60443 Cleanup
60444 Start Cleanup
60445 Cleanup Settings
60446 Schedule
60450 Beta Feedback
60451 Beta Feedback Web Site
60452 Hotline: 1-800-772-9383 x7415
60453 An internet connection was not detected. The Setup Wizard requires this to activate your backup account. Once you have established an internet connection please click the 'Activate Account' button on the Home page to complete the setup process.
60454 Turn Backup Flag ON
60455 Turn Backup Flag OFF
60456 A threat was detected running in memory and will be removed. To ensure proper removal of this threat, please restart your computer after completing the setup wizard.
60500 Please enter value
60501 Invalid IP Address
60502 IP addresses need to be in the form of n.n.n.n where 'n' is 0-255 and the first n cannot be 0 (example:
60503 Invalid subnet mask
60504 A subnet mask needs to have the most significant bits set (example:
60505 Invalid hostname
60506 Hostname needs to be a valid network/internet host name